Sope (Fluff)

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After a long day at work I could finally go home and rest. I grabbed my keys from the drawer next to me and got up. I checked the time from my phone and saw it was 9 pm, really late to be writing some songs right? Yeah nah.

I locked my studio and got out of the building. After greeting the night guard I started to walk. Since it was pretty late I decided to walk as fast as possible since I just wanted to sleep and don't wake up until it's afternoon the next day.

While walking I heard a sob. I looked around confused as to who or what could make a sound like that. Then I heard it again. It was almost inaudible due to the windy night. I looked towards the what I guessed was the noise's source. Walking slowly I hid behind the wall to see what was making the sound. Then I saw a little boy, who looked like he was around the age 5 or 6. He had chubby cheeks and fluffy looking, but also dirty hair. His small hands holding his legs close to himself. He was crying, you would have to be an idiot to not to realize that but I wondered what he was crying about.

I hesitated a bit, I didn't know if I should walk towards him or just stay where I am. Would he be scared to see an adult man standing in front of him at the dead of the night? Yeah. But could I just leave a little kid like this in the middle of a street? Maybe. Would that make me feel guilty and immediately make me turn around and come back? Fuck yeah. Well I guess I do have one option.

"Uhmm... Hey kid." I said standing at a safe distance. He looked up in a horrified expression. He looked so scared. I panicked a little but tried to soften my expression.

"Are you okay?" Good fucking question Min Yoongi of course he is not. I facepalmed internally and walked a little closer to him. He tried to back away but the wall stopped him. I stopped as well to not scare him off more.

"My name is Min Yoongi. What's yours?" He looked at me and scanned my whole body.

"J- Jimin..." He said in a soft weak voice. His voice made me frown more. I crouched down and continued talking.

"Well Jimin, why are you here this late?" I asked trying to sound as friendly as possible.

"I- I'm lost- t... I want my brother!" He started to cry loudly. I didn't know what to do so I started to panic.

"He- Hey! Calm down don't worry we'll find your brother. Come on. Come with me." I wasn't sure if picking up was the greatest idea but he didn't seem to protest so I picked him up and started walking. The kid was so innocent that he didn't even tried saying anything about me being a stranger which made me happy to be the one who found him rather than some old pervert.

I thought if taking him to my home was a good idea. Then I realized taking him to a police station was a better idea. I called a taxi and after it came we got in. As the taxi took us to the police I tried to talk with the kid.
I wanted to put the kid next to my seat but he clung to me for dear life so I couldn't put him down.

"So, Jimin do you like polices?" I asked. He looked at me and hesitated a bit, later on he started to talk.

"Yesh- Yes I like t- them..." I nodded.

"Would you like to become one?" He nodded a little making his fluffy hair move up and down.

"I want t- to become a hewo- hero! Then I can pw- protect my brother!" He said happily. I smiled at his cuteness, it seems like I wasn't the only one effected because I heard the driver's laugh.

"So what's your brother's name?" I asked.

"His name ish Hobi! He is so nice, he always m- makes me smile." He yelled so proudly. He seems to like his brother so much.

"Don't worry the policemen will find your brother." I said and started to look outside the window as Jimin lays his head on my chest.

Finally we arrived at the police station and I paid the driver. Jimin was already asleep so I tried to stay as quiet at possible. We got in the station and I went towards an officer.

"Hello sir. What can I do for you?" He asked. I pointed Jimin and started to explain.

"Well I found this kid in a back alley close to Big Hit Music Studios when I was walking home. He was crying and said he was lost. He said he has a brother and his name is Hobi?" The officer nodded and took us into a room. He sat down and grabbed a paper and a pen.

"Okay sir can you give more details? And if it's possible wake up the kid we need to ask him questions about his family." He said. I shook Jimin a little.

"Jimin wake up. We are here." Jimin slowly opened his eyes and looked around tiredly. He yawned a bit and turned towards the officer. When he saw him he clung to me tighter.

"Hello little guy. What's your name?" The officer asked. Jimin looked at me a little scared. I smiled and nodded for him to answer.

"Ji- Jimin." He said his voice quiet. The policeman smiled

"Well my name is Namjoon. Nice to meet you." He said obviously trying to make the kid warm up to him.

"So what were you doing before you got lost?" He asked. Jimin shuffled on my lap to turn towards the man, Namjoon.

"I was pwaying with my brother in the park. Then he went to buy uw- us some icecream. I tried to follow where he went and got lost." He said. Namjoon nodded and wrote everything down.

"What is your brother's full name?" He asked Jimin smiled happily, he seems to be really enjoying talking about his brother. 'Cause every time someone mentions him he smiles.

"Jung Hoseok!" Namjoon then looked surprised. He got up and told us to wait. After few minutes he came back with a man that is shorter than him. The guy had heart shaped lips and a soft looking hair, he wasn't wearing a suit though.
When the man saw Jimin he ran up to him.

"Jimin! Oh god where were you?!" He cried while hugging Jimin so tightly. Jimin hugged back just as tight with his small arms and started to cry.

"Shh... It's okay I'm here now!" The guy, I'm guessing his name was Hoseok, said trying to call himself so he wouldn't cry as well. He stood up with Jimin in his arms then thanked the officer, but the officer pointed at me which caused him to turn to me.

"Thank you so much sir! I was looking all over for him and came here 2 hours ago. If you didn't find him I don't know what would happen to him..." He said in a very appreciative manner. I smiled a little and shook my head.

"It's not a big deal. When I saw the small lad I knew I couldn't leave him. He is just too much of an angel." I said pinching Jimin's cheek which caused him to let out an happy squeak. Me, Hoseok and Namjoon all laughed.

After thanking the officer and Hoseok I started to leave I just made it out of the station when I felt something small hug my leg. I looked down to see Jimin hugging me with all his power.

"Nooo don't weave!" I saw Hoseok running towards us. I grabbed Jimin and put him on my shoulder. By the time I did that Hoseok was already next to us. He looked at me apologetically.

"I will visit you if you want. Or you can visit me with your brother. Here's my card." I gave Hoseok my card as Jimin yelled happily but slowly fell asleep.

"Thank you again. I don't always get to see Jimin this close with people." He said. I shook my head.

"Like I said it's not a big problem. Just visit me when ever you two feel like it." I said stroking Jimin's hair. Hoseok looked at me unsure while taking Jimin in his arms.

"I really don't want to be a burden." He said. I smirked a bit.

"Don't worry it won't be a burden. Especially if I get to see you again." I said and walked away leaving him blushing.

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