Namkook (Sweet/ a little sad(?))

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It was a cold yet sunny day. The sun didn't seem to warm anything up, but rather just stay at the sky as an accessory. There were clouds on the sky but there was no rain. It was a nice autumn day.

Namjoon woke up a little early that day, by that I mean he woke up at 9 am rather than waking up at noon, feeling strangely energetic which was unlike him. He enjoyed waking up early and he usually did wake up early. But he never did it at the weekends.
He just shrugged it of and tried to remember if he had any plans for the day. Then he yawned a little and got out of his bed.

When he started to walk towards his bathroom door he heard a little noise. He stopped moving and looked around to see if anything was out of place. He waited a few seconds and started to move again but then he heard the sound again, this time much more clearly.

It was a small sneeze. He got really perplexed and travelled his eyes towards where he thought the sound was coming from...

His small cactus?

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Did his cactus just sneeze? Either Namjoon was on some serious drugs or he was going nuts. He wasn't sure what to do so he slowly made his way to the cactus. He didn't make any noise and watcher the plant with his full attention.

After what felt like hours, which was in reality just twenty seconds, another sneesing came from the green plant.

That's it. Namjoon was definitely losing it. The small plant was sneezing infront of his eyes. He stared at the cactus with intense gaze and he noticed a small pink thing sticking out behind it.
Last time he checked the cactus didn't grow any flowers, did it?

He knelt down infront of the plant.
That's when he saw it. A small human, almost the size of his palm, with fairy like wings. He was wearing a fluffy white sweater and white shorts. He had brown soft-cotton like hair and a honey like skin.

Okay, I was kidding when I was saying it before but Namjoon actually must've gone crazy because what the fu-

Namjoon was frozen to his spot with his mouth open wide and eyes as big as the moon. He just stared at the creature with a suprised face. He didn't know what to do other than stare at him.

The small creatu- the boy looked up at him and when he saw him, he fell backwards with a scream. Because of that Namjoon panicked and moved away a bit.

"Who are you?!" Namjoon asked a little too loudly. The... fairy? just looked at him with a shocked face as his body shook from the fear.

"What are you?" Namjoon asked a little bit more quietly. The boy just looked at him without saying anything.

The awkward silence was not something both of them enjoyed. Luckily Namjoon was brave enough to break it and introduce himself.

"I'm... I'm Namjoon. What's your name? You don't need to be scared, I won't do anything to you." He gulped nervously. The fairy slowly moved from his fallen position to a sitting one.

"M- my name is Jungkook. I'm a dream fairy." Namjoon looked really confused which Jungkook found amusing and just a little bit cute, just a little though.

"You're a what?" Namjoon asked and moved closer which caused Jungkook to move away a little.

"I'm a dream fairy. I am the one who causes you to have no nightmares. I catch your bad dreams to stop them from hurting you." Jungkook explained with a soft voice.

"Wow, I... wow. Okay?" Namjoon didn't really get what he needed to do here but he just decided to go with it.

"Why are you still here then? It's already morning." Namjoon asked. Jungkook slowly blushed.

"I was going to go but then it started to snow so I waited a bit. Then the wind caused the windows to close. I couldn't get out and I didn't have any fairy dust with me..." Jungkook looked embarrassed. He really did thought he wouldn't need fairy dust with him since the windows were open. Who would've guess the mother nature hated his guts?

"Okay but why are you sneezing?" Namjoon moved the cactus away so he could see Jungkook clearly.

"I tried to open the window for half of the night but I couldn't and I got tried. I slept next to the cactus since it was the only thing that I could hide near the window. But since it was so cold I got sic-" Jungkook sneezed once again.

"Why didn't you sleep on my pillows? The second one is usually empty and the temperature of my bed is high thanks to me almost never leaving it at weekends." Namjoon shifted a bit since the floor was cold against his exposed knees, regretting wearing shorts but they were really comfortable for him.

"What!? I couldn't sleep next to you! You would've saw me!" Namjoon just chuckled at Junkook's shocked almost offended face.

"I mean I still saw you. So..." Jungkook just crossed his arms and pouted.

"But still, I can't just sleep at your pillow. That would be weird!" Namjoon slowly grabbed Jungkook and pulled him into his palm, then he started to walk towards the bed.

"As if this situation alone is not weird enough." Jungkook just held onto his thumb for dear life.

"What are you doing?" He asked when he saw Namjoon sit on the bed and place him on his warm pillow.

"I'm going to sleep since I have nothing better to do and you'll join me." He said as he layed in his covers and placed his head on the other pillow.

"Wha- You- Why are you so okay with this?! Like this situation?" Namjoon was already closing his eyes when he shrugged.

"I don't know. I think it's because I'm sure I'm dreaming and when I wake up you won't be there. So good night." Jungkook watched him turn to his side to sleep.

"It's morning." Namjoon just groand out a small 'just sleep' and went back to sleeping.

Jungkook watched him a while the he layed down on the warm pillow. He felt the big covers on him and when he looked up he saw Namjoon carefully place it on him. He closed his eyes again and they both went to sleep.

Namjoon woke up early the next morning. He looked to his right to see nothing on his pillow. He got up and looked at the cactus next to his window.

"See, I knew you weren't real." He whispered with a sad smile. He got up and went to the bathroom.

When he got back to his room and changed he grabbed a cup of water to water the green cactus only to see that there was a small pink flower growing on the cactus.

*A/N: I am , for some reason really busy and can't write anything. But I managed to finish this one. Hope you enjoyed it btw happy birthday Yoongi!! Hopefully I'll write a chapter for you.

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