YoonJoon (Angsty/Sweet) Pt.2

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The last class was finally over and Yoongi could leave the damn place. He grabbed his backpack and walked away from the groups of people filling the hallways. Walking out of the entrance he put his headphones in his ears and opened his phone. He was about to turn on a song until a dark thing caught his attention from the corner of his eye.

He looked up to see the same black dog waiting patiently, sitting straight. The students were looking at it weirdly, some trying to take picture while the brave ones tried to pet it. But the dog would just growl when they came close which would scare them away.

When the dog saw Yoongi it got up and started to walk to him. Yoongi looked at it with surprised eyes. The dog sat next to his feet and looked up at it. He decided to take the dog away from the curious students so he walked with the dog next to him until he reached the park where he first saw him.

"Hello buddy." He petted the dog's head.

The said dog slowly leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. Yoongi continued to pet his head.

"I think I should give you a name. But what do I name you? I never had a dog..." He tried to come up with a clever or a cool name but his mind was blank.

"Ugh... Why is naming something always hard?" He sighed in frustration and look around only to realize the sun was setting. He looked at the dog before him and made a decision he wasn't very sure of.

"Do you want to come home with me?" Yoongi looked into the dog's eyes. The dog looked at him for a few seconds then moved closer to Yoongi.

"I'm taking that as a yes. Come on let's go." The mint haired boy got up from where he was sitting and started to walk down a road. The dog was following him from a distance.

After a while of silently walking they made it to Yoongi's apartment. He opened the door to his flat and let his new roommate get in. The said creature curiously look around not moving from the spot he decided to sit at. Yoongi let the dog examine the place while he took out his shoes and put his belongings onto his livingroom couch.

Changing into his pajamas he walked back into the livingroom only to find his tiny, well not really but still, friend still sitting on his original spot. He smiled a bit at the obedient gesture and petted the dog. The bag of dog food he bought before was still in his bag since he didn't throw it out, so he went inside the kitchen and put some dog food onto a plate.

"I need to buy you some actual dog food so you don't have to eat just treats but since I don't have any meat or any dog food with me you just have to eat these for now." The dog smelled the plate and slowly started to eat the treats.

The rest of the day went by with Yoongi trying to take care of the dog and doing some homework. After taking a small bath he finally went to bed with the dog next to his bed on his new small dog bed he made with his pillows.

All day the next day Yoongi just kept on thinking about the dog. He couldn't bring it to his school, obviously so the dog was alone at his flat. He just hope Yoru didn't destroy anything.
Yes, Yoru. Yoongi decided to name the dog Yoru because he reminded him of night. He knew it wasn't all that clever but it was nice enough.

"Mr. Min. Could you please turn your attention to the board?" The teacher asked him. With an embarrassed look he turned towards the board while some students snickered.

Approximately twenty minutes later the bell rang and everyone rushed to the exit. Yoongi was also rushing, he wanted to get home as soon as possible. But for another reason, which being he left Yoru alone.

The moment he left the entrance he stopped. What he was witnessing was a little confusing for him. Actually it was really confusing that he didn't know how to react.

There was a large, lavish looking car right infront of the school. And it looked too expensive to even be near this school.

Yoongi looked around to make sure he wasn't the only one seeing this. And by the way everyone was looking at the car he could tell he hasn't gone crazy. The car was right infront of the gates so it was impossible to miss it.

Suddenly the door of the front part of the car opened to reveal a really built man with a suit. The man walked towards the mint haired boy while everyone's eyes followed every single move he made.

Yoongi on the other hand was having a crisis in his mind. His fight or flight mode was on and he thought of dropping everything and running for his dear life.

"Are you Min Yoongi?" The buff guy asks in a very cold way.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asks back, not really wanting to answer to a random stranger.

"Answer the question." Yoongi was about to make a rude remark to the man's answer but he immediately stopped what he was about to say when he saw the built man's face harden.

"Yes I am." He said but before he could continue he was cut off.

"Mr. Kim is waiting for you in the car. Follow me." The man commanded as he started to walk back towards the car.

"Why should I-"

"If you want to talk to Mr. Kim infront of everyone then so be it." The man looked back at him.

Yoongi looked around to see everyone watching them. He felt uncomfortable with the attention but also didn't want to get kidnapped.

"How do I know you aren't going to kidnap me?" He questioned even though he was walking fast to catch up with the man.

"If we wanted to kidnap a small teenager like you we wouldn't show up infront of the entire school."

Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"At least tell me what is your name so I know who is kidnapping me."

"We are not-" the man said in annoyance, "My name is Hoseok."

The duo walked until they reached the car and Hoseok opened the door for him which caused him to roll his eyes.
Entering the car the first thing he realized was the car was more lavish looking than it look from the outside.
The second and probably the most important thing that caught his eyes were the sharp eyes that was watching his.

"It's nice to see you, Min Yoongi was it? I'm Kim Namjoon but call me Mr. Kim." The man said in a calm and warm tone.

"Why am I here?" Yoongi looked at the man who seemed amused by his angry attitude.

"You are here because you have something that belongs to me." The mint haired boy scoffed when he heard the answer.

"Oh really? And what is that?" He asked in a sarcastic voice.

"It's my dog, Yuri."

*I have been experiencing a writer's block lately but I'm finally back. I've realized I'm not good at writing a long plot than I thought I was and I wasn't sure how to continue this story of YoonJoon, but I finally decided. Hopefully I will continue updating the story faster now.
Thanks for reading, stay safe.

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