YoonJoon (Fluff)

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Yoongi slowly walked towards the brown door. He was already panting since he had to climb the longest stairs he has ever seen in his life. He was cursing under his breath at the every step he took as well so that was another reason he was out of breath.

He grabbed the paper bags in one hand while knocking the door with the other. He waited for 5 minutes but no one answered. He knocked again.
Still nothing. He got impatient and started to bang on the door.

"HEY! NAMFUCK! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He yelled as loudly as he could since he could here the noisy song playing inside of the flat. He heard the music stop and some steps coming towards the door.

The door opened and there stood a really confused giant clumsy man.

"Hyu-" Yoongi pushed him to the side and walked in.

"Finally! What took you so long!? I've been standing there for ten minutes. Do you realize your apartment doesn't have an elevator and I have to climb a mountain to get here?" He said as he walked in the kitchen, Namjoon following him.

"I live in the second floor, hyung. There is only fourteen steps you need to take to get to my flat." Namjoon said as he watched the shorter man put everything in the bag onto the counter.

"Fourteen isn't really a short amount you know." Yoongi, who was putting some of the stuff in the freezer, said.

"Yeah for you it isn't. It is the same amount that you need to take to get to the bathroom." Namjoon rolled his eyes but turned to Yoongi again as he saw him grab a bag of popcorn and put in the microwave.

"So anyways, why are you here?" He asked to the shorter. Yoongi turned towards him with an annoyed look.

"Well I'm sorry for coming to enjoy a day with my friend." He said with a sarcastic voice.

"You could've just call me y'know. What would happen if I was busy?" Namjoon helped him carry the snacks into the livingroom.

"Busy doing what? Masturbating?" Yoongi asked while showing a smug smile on his face. "We both know you have no one to be busy with." Namjoon started to whine.

"I didn't mean like that! Like what if I had some important job stuff that I needed to do?" His cheeks were red as Yoongi just let out an amused laugh.

"You are a waiter what important job you would need to do?" Yoongi remarked. Namjoon just huffed.

"Yeah whatever, just tell me when you are going to come." Namjoon said. Yoongi just shrugged.

While watching the film that Namjoon opened for them Yoongi had the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. He got up and left to do his business. After he was finished he washed his hands and dried them.

As he exited the bathroom he saw Namjoon's bedroom door open. He didn't really want to invade his privacy but he saw a book that was open and damn his curiosity he wanted to see what it was about. Namjoon had always been the type to read really weird or philosophical books so he wanted to see what this one was about maybe even tease him a bit.

He entered the room quietly and looked  at the books cover.

"'Mind Maze' huh?" He said out loud as he read the cover. Then he started to read the book. That's when he realized this was a lyric book. Most likely written by Namjoon himself. When he realized that he wanted to put the book down. This was Namjoon's property and he shouldn't violate it like this. But one particular lyric caught his eyes.

The whole song was about a certain boy Namjoon seemed to be interested in. He described him in such a way that with every sentence a lump grew in his throat and a sour feeling consumed his entire being. He felt a sudden feeling of jealousy slowly start to grow inside him. He didn't say anything and put the book down like it wasn't even touched before.

He came back into the livingroom where a fascinated Namjoon was watching the film. He sat next to him but a little bit away from him. Now that he knew that he had a crush he didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Where were you? Did you just took the dump of the decade?" Namjoon joked but when he heard the bitter and forced laugh his elder let out he turned his gaze towards him.

"Hyung? You alright?" He asked. Yoongi nodded with out looking at him.

"I'm. Fine." The shorted forced out. Namjoon looked puzzled and concerned, he could see it from the corner of his eye but he didn't say anything. He just put all of his attention on the TV.

That was until the younger closed the television. Now they were sitting in a dim litted room in silence.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" He asked. The older stayed silent.

"Tell me. Now." Namjoon said with a stern voice. Yoongi shook his head.

"It's nothing. Can we watch the film now?" He asked. Namjoon just crossed his arms and frowned.

"I'm not moving until you tell me." Yoongi just sighed. And tried to move him to get the remote but Namjoon wouldn't budge.

"C'mon Namjoon. Don't be ridiculous." He said as he tried to move him again.

"Tell me and I won't be ridiculous." Namjoon said.

"No." Yoongi tried to get the remote that was behind Namjoon again but this time Namjoon grabbed both of his wrists.

"What the hell?? Let go!" Yoongi said but didn't try to do anything. He was scared he would hurt his younger.

" No. You tell me what's wrong!" The taller insisted. This time Yoongi pulled his hands towards himself and this way his wrists were free once again. When he tried to get up the younger grabbed him to pull him down but he caused Yoongi to fall on top of him.

"Ah, shit! Namjoon are you okay? Are you hurt?!" He asked but when he looked at Namjoon he saw that the younger was in trance.

"Namjoon?.." He asked once again but didn't receive an answer. But instead he felt Namjoon's hands on his shoulders close to his neck.

"Hyung... I want to tell you something. But I'm scared. I don't think I can even put it into words but I think I can put it into action." He said and grabbed Yoongi's face and pulled him down.
Yoongi was stunned that all of this was happening. He was kissing Namjoon. He was kissing his younger. But then again he was kissing his younger. He closed his eyes to feel the touch.

It was a gentle, innocent kiss. Just the lips pushed together, just to enjoy the others presence. When they pulled away Yoongi felt so warm and happy, like he could climb the highest mountain, just for Namjoon.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Just for him.

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