Vmon (Fluff)

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*I was busy so I couldn't write a birthday special for Tae. So I decided I can write a story including him now. Enjoy.

Finally he could do it! After years of hard work and pure effort Taehyung finally could go to his dream university. He always wanted to be in the Big hit Arts University, it was his ultimate goal. And he achieved it.

Taehyung was really interested in photography and he liked playing the saxophone. He also liked drawing, but he wasn't the best at it. He tried though.

He had to really work hard but it was worth it. He walked through the gates and was greeted with a gorgeous school yard. Unlike most of the others schools the students were all calmly taking and weren't running around, going crazy. He smiled to himself. This is it, he thought, I am here.

He happily walked inside the building. If he thought the outside of the building was beautiful then he would think the inside is outstanding. He looked around in awe, he was impressed with how clean and pretty the halls were. And everyone looked so nice he felt a little excluded.

He started to walk down a hall hoping it would lead him to the headmaster's office. The people in the hall didn't pay attention to him. He felt like as if he didn't even exist or as if he has been in this school for so long that everyone is used to his presence so they don't feel the need to look at him.

He walked for a while trying to figure out where the office may be but he couldn't find it. He decided to ask around. At that moment he realized the classes had already started. He was so busy trying to find where he is that he didn't even hear the bell ring.

"Hey, you! Why aren't you in your class?" A slightly deep yet calm voice asked. He turned around to see a tall boy- or a tall man standing behind him. He had his uniform on and had small earings. He also had a tag on the sweater that he wore over his uniform that said 'school counselor.

"Uhh I'm sorry Sir. I'm new here-" He raised his eyebrow.

"Sir? I'm not a teacher." He said and laughed a little as Taehyung looked away embarrassed.

"Sorry..." Tae apologized. He waved it off.

"It's cool. So what are you waiting for?" He asked. Tae frowned.

"I couldn't find the headmaster's office. So I don't really know my schedule nor my class." Tae explained. He nodded and started to walk and motioned Tae to follow him.

"I can take you there. The headmaster's not here today, because he left with some other teachers to go watch our schools soccer match with another school." He opened the office with a key.

"I'm 'the best' student at this school so they decided to make me the school counselor. So I have keys to the certain rooms in this school." Tae nodded but before he could say anything the man continued.

"I don't actually think that is the reason. Since my uncle is the headmaster. I think he just wants his nephew to be in a higher status than the other students." He kept on talking, Tae wasn't sure if he was talking to him anymore since he seemed like he was just muttering to himself. He looked at him and smiled a little.

"Ah, sorry. I was just thinking out loud. Here, I found your schedule list and your class." He gave me a paper and they walked out of the office. When they made it to Tae's new class he turned towards him.

"This is your class, do you want me to come in with you?" Tae shook his head.

"No, thanks. See you?" He wasn't sure if they would meet again but they are in the same school so it was a possiblity.

"Goodbye." He waved at him as he walked away, his smile showed his dimples. Tae unconsciously smiled as well.

Taehyung walked into the class. The teacher turned to him with a questioning expression.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, I am the new student, Kim Taehyung. May I come in?" The man, who he guessed was the literature teacher, moved his hand towards the empty desk for him to sit. He moved quickly as possible to no longer disturb the class.

After a long and kind of boring lesson Taehyung decided that going to the backyard of the school and exploring around would be fun. So he grabbed his small pocket camera he likes to carry around and went outside. The backyard was just as eye catching as the front yard. There were flowers and small trees surrounded with bushes. In front of every big bush there was a bench.

He walked to the one of the benches and sat down. While he continued to watch the people in the backyard he grabbed his camera. He decided to take a photo of this nice place. He moved the camera close to his face when the camera opened he jumped a little. There was a face right in front of his. That same face held a huge dimpled smile with it.

"Hey, did I scare you?" He asked amused. Tae just looked at him suprised. When he didn't get an answer the boy resumed.

"I saw you sitting alone so I've decided to join you. Is it okay if I sit?" Instead of answering Tae just scooched over to make some room for him.

"Thanks. My name's Namjoon. Your's was Taehyung right?" He asked as he sat down next to him.

"Yes, how did you..?" Namjoon rolled his eyes with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I just handed you your schedule. How do you think I know. You are the only new student that has come here this month so... It was easy to find it in the computer. So how was your first class?" Tae looked down at his camera, he did feel a little shy but he was determined to make a friend so he gulped his nervousness away.

"Pretty good. I mean not the most exciting lesson I had but it was still pretty fun." Namjoon nodded and looked at Tae's camera.

"Do you like photography?" Taehyung looked at him with a smile and started to talk about what he liked and adored about photography, how he learned about it and his favourite photographers.  Namjoon watched him talk about whatever he could think of, he would sometimes lose himself in Taehyung's sparkling eyes. He felt stunned when the sun shined on Taehyung. Oh wow... He is so pulchritudinous...

"Namjoon? Are you alright?" Tae asked as he looked at Namjoon's shocked face. He seemed like he was frozen.

"Yeah... I'm feeling... just fine." Namjoon said with a smile and grabbed Tae's camera.

"Can I take this with me? I have a very good idea of what I can take a picture of. It is a very beautiful thing." Tae wasn't sure but still let him.

They talked and talked until they both had to go to class. After bidding each other goodbyes they went back inside the school. The rest of the day they hung out and talked. Tae already felt really close to Namjoon.

Just like that everyday they hung out and enjoyed each other's company. They told each other memories they had and had sweet & sour memories together. They stood next to one another at hard times.

After few years Namjoon and him started to date. Namjoon finally had the courage to ask him out and Taehyung happily accepted it.

"Namjoonie, do you remember the thing you were going to take a picture of?" Tae asked as he cuddled closer to Namjoon who was laying down in there bed.

"Huh? Oh, do you mean the thing in the university?" Namjoon asked as he looked at Taehyung.

"Yeah, what was that 'thing'?" Namjoon let go of Tae and got up.

"Where are you going?" Tae asked as he  leaned on his right elbow to look at Namjoon.

Namjoon just walked to there closet and grabbed a photo album in one of the drawers. He flipped through the pages and stopped at one of them. After he took a picture out he closed the album and put it back into the drawer. He slowly made his way back to the bed an sat down next to Taehyung.

"This is the 'thing'." He said as he handed the photo to Tae. Tae grabbed it and looked at the photo.

It was a picture of him, smiling as he looked at a white rose. He looked at Namjoon with a perplexed look on his features.

"I thought the most mesmerizing thing that I could ever take the photo of was you." Taehyung just looked at him shocked but his face slowly turned into a pink shade and he started to smile like an idiot. He jumped on Namjoon and hugged him tightly.

"You are so cheesy. You should be grateful I still love you though." Namjokn hugged him back and laughed.

"Believe me I am."

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