YoonMin (Smut) Part. 1

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It surely has been a while since Jimin last dated someone. His old boyfriend was such garbage that he lost hope when it came to relationships. His best friend, Taehyung, tried several times to cheer him up after the broke up but it seemed like he just couldn't make the slightly older male happy. So he decided he needed some help.

The doorbell rang loudly which caused Jimin to jump up a little by the noise. It was almost eight pm so he wondered who it was. He put down his spoon next to the icecream box and got up. Making his ways slowly to the door, he tried to stay as quiet as possible. The person on the door could be a killer for all he knew.

He looked through the hole to see none other than his best friend. He sighed, knowing that he was here to try cheering him up. The moment he opened the door the male entered the flat. But he brought a company with him that Jimin didn't see at first.

"Hoseok Hyung? What are you doing here?" He asked as he closed the door following the two to his livingroom.

"Taehyung told me y-" he was cut off by Taehyung elbowing his side, "Ow! I mean I- we came here to take you with us because we want to have fun!" He said. After finishing his, oh so believable explanation he turned to the black haired boy to glare at him for hitting him.

"Take me where exactly?" Jimin asked with his arms crossed his face showing an unimpressed look. The red haired boy smiled.

"To the dance club of course!"


"Tell me what are we doing here again?" Jimin asked as he sighed, but he already knew since they already came here he won't be able to go back.

"We are here to have fun, obviously!" Taehyung said as he and Hoseok dragged Jimin into the building.

"Oh, sorry. Since you said dance club I thought we were actually going to a dance club. Not a bar." Jimin stated really annoyed. The last place he wanted to be at was a bar. Don't get him wrong he had no problem with drinking. He was the farthest anyone can be from a lightweight. He could drink alcohol like water. He just wasn't in the mood for a crowded, sweat and alcohol smelling loud place.

"Come on Jimin loosen up a little! You need to get out there and show who you are. You are Park Jimin for fuck's sake! You can get anything or anyone if you want. Show that asshole who he lost!" Hoseok encouraged as Taehyung cheered for him when they stepped into the dance floor.

"Yeah... Yeah! You are right. Maybe I do need to loosen up. That jerk is no longer here to limit me so I can do what I want!" Jimin said as he felt an unknown energy fill him up. Finally the realization of not being trapped by someone hit him. He didn't have an over controlling trash as a boyfriend anymore so he could act as free as he pleased.

He started to follow the flow of the song, letting his body relax and give into the music. He was, after a long time, actually having fun. He still was angry at the two for dragging him here but he couldn't lie, he was glad they took him with them.

His dancing skills mesmerized the people around him. His looks were a plus as well so it was no wonder why he had some eyes on him. Normally he would feel shy maybe even uncomfortable but today, he was feeling a little daring. He continued to dance not caring about the looks he was getting. That was until Taehyung whispered to his ear.

"Hey Jimin, don't make it obvious but there is a hot guy looking at you." Jimin slowly turned behind to see. There was a guy at the table behind them. He wasn't dancing and he did have his friends with him. But he wasn't looking at his friends, his eyes were focused on Jimin.

When they made eye contact the guy didn't react. He just looked at him with the same sharp gaze with out changing his stone cold expression. He then looked at his drink as he took a sip from it. His attention was no longer on Jimin.
Jimin turned to Taehyung.

"What do I do?" He asked feeling unsure about...

Well, he didn't know what he was feeling unsure about but he was for a fact feeling unsure.

"What do you mean 'what do I do'? Go talk to him!" Taehyung said as he tried to shove Jimin towards the handsome stranger's path. But Jimin resisted.

"But why??" Taehyung gave him an 'are you serious' look.

"To spend time with him. Maybe even take him home. It's been a long time you had fun, this could help you to relieve stress and forget about the jerk forever!" He then started to talk to Jimin in a playful yet a really perverted tone while moving his eyebrows up and down with a smirk on his face.

"And if you play your cards right maybe he will be your new fuck buddy." Taehyung starter to laugh while Jimin sighed.

"Why am I even friends with you?" He asked more to himself than to Taehyung but Taehyung still answered.

"Because I am your soulmate." He said with a cute voice and started to do funny yet adorable faces. Jimin smiled and pinched Taehyung's cheek.

"Yeah yeah." He turned to the stranger and started to make his way towards the guy. Taehyung encouraged him while he was walking away.

He looked back at his two friends one more time then looked forward. The guy didn't look at him which in a way made him feel a little relieved. The man's friends saw him approaching and told the man before moving to another booth. The man's eyes were on him now.

Jimin felt a little too nervous but he hid it behind a playful smile. He could do it, he could talk to the guy. He was good looking after all and the guy was interested in him when he was dancing so he did have a good chance. It really has been a while since he tried to seduce someone and frankly, he did want to enjoy himself tonight. And if he can't get the guy in bed with him at least he will try to get his number.

He stood infront of the man with one of his hands on his hip, the smile still on his face.

"Can I sit?" He asked as the man looked him up and down. When he didn't get an answer he took it as a sign for him to sit. He sat infront of the man as the man took a sip from his drink.

"My name is Jimin." He said with a smile. The man looked at him again.

"Yoongi." His voice was deep which caused Jimin to tense a little. His voice was as cold as his face but still fit him perfectly.

"Nice to meet you~." Jimin said with a playful yet sweet tone.

And now there was silence. Jimin felt very awkward. He was supposed to get in this guy's pants but know he was just sitting there feeling very very weird. He looked at his hands and started to play with his thumbs apprehensively while biting his bottom lip.

But when he saw the man got up from the corner of his eye he immediately looked at him. The man got up and left him. Jimin sighed, he screwed it up. Great. He sat there with a defeated look on his face. He looked down at his hands once again, his whole mood thrown out the window. Then he heard a clicking sound and looked up to see the man putting a drink infront of him while he sat down and drank his new drink.

"Don't look to tense." He put his drink down. "Loosen up. I won't bite." He smirked and Jimin almost died out of embarrassment. He quickly drank the drink bought to him buy the handsome stra- Yoongi and tried to calm his poor single heart. He cleared his throat and tried to flirt again.

"Maybe I want you to bite me." He immediately regretted every decision he has made in his life. He felt himself froze and start to blush when he saw the suprised look in Yoongi's eyes.

"Aggressive. I like it." Yoongi said as his smirk widened and leaned closer to Jimin. The said man, who almost had a mini heart attack, relaxed and decided to go with what he has started.

"If this is what you call aggressive then maybe I shouldn't sleep with you. I don't want you to get hurt."
Jimin Shut UP!! Was all his mind told him as he made these stupid statements. He didn't know where this sudden confidence came from but he enjoyed teasing the older.

"Is that a dare?" Yoongi asked now sitting really close to Jimin, his hand on the youngster's waist. Jimin's smile slowly turned into a smirk.


*A/N: Man I suck at flirting and I suck more at writing.

BTS One Shots {Boy × Boy}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora