JungHope (Fluff) Part.1

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Jungkook really wanted to be good at dancing. He always admired dancers and their styles, their healthy bodies and their cool vibes. This is why he begged his parents to sign up to a dancing course. At first his parents wasn't sure, Jungkook has always been interested in something and then just leave it once he got bored. But this time Jungkook swore on everything he loved to commit on dancing.

His parents gave up and let him do what he wanted. He was already eighteen years old so he might as well do as he please.

He woke up extra early that day to get to his new dance course as soon as possible. He wanted to be the first one there so he could do some warming up. He grabbed his bag that he put together last night and walked to the kitchen.

In the kitchen his mom was already making something to eat. He greeted his mom and started to eat his breakfast.

"Now Jungkook don't try to learn everything in one day, you might hurt yourself. Start slow and once you learn the basics you can build your skills up." His mother gave her motherly advice like always. Jungkook just listened and grabbed his bag once again to leave. He hugged his mother and walked out of the house.

The building was huge. It has three floors and a giant entrance. Inside the building had a lot of space and it just had a fresh feeling.

Jungkook walked to the room that the owner of the place was at and asked where he should go. The man gave him a studio number and told him that the lesson would start in a few hours. Jungkook thanked the man and walked out to go to the studio.

When he entered to the room he saw a red haired boy doing some warm ups. He stood there, looking at him not knowing what to do. The red haired boy saw him and stood up.

"Hello?" He asked not sure on how to respond to the person who was watching him.

"H- hi. I didn't mean to stare, I just didn't know what to do since I wasn't expecting anyone to be here." Jungkook explained quietly. He was a shy boy and didn't talk to many. He preferred being by himself.

"Oh, it's fine. I wasn't expecting anyone either. Are you new?" The boy asked. Jungkook just nodded while putting his bag next to the wall.

"Well my name's Hoseok. I'm 19 years old. Nice to meet you." Hoseok greeted him with a smile.

"I'm Jungkook. 18 years old." Jungkook answered shortly but still returned the smile.

"You know Jungkook you are the fourth boy in this dance studio." Hoseok said as he sat down next to Jungkook who was sitting with his back against the wall.

"Really?" He asked suprised. Hoseok nodded.

"Yeah. The others are Jimin and Taehyung. Since they are so close they always chose each other as partners." Jungkook nodded but was still shook.

"When do people partner in here?" Jungkook asked. Hoseok rubbed his chin.

"Well you have to have a partner all the time even when the song is not a partner song so you can have a person to practice the moves with. I don't have a partner since everyone already chose a one." Jungkook frowned a bit seeing someone nice being outed like that made him feel a little sad.

"You don't need to feel bad I actually don't mind it. Jimin and Taehyung asked the teacher if they could put me in the group but the teacher only let's two people as partners. Just knowing they care makes me happy so it's fine." Hoseok said and smiled. Jungkook smiled a little as well. Something about Hoseok made him unable to stop smiling.

Hoseok jump up and started to stretch his arms. Then he turned to the younger who was still sitting on the floor.

"Aren't you going to warm up?" He asked as he put both of his hands on his hips, raising one of his eyebrows.

Jungkook nodded and slowly got up. He moved to the right so he could see himself on the mirror as he got ready.
After some basic warm ups he saw Hoseok move towards the table at the corner of the room.

"Hey, I wanna put a music on. Is that cool with you?" He asked. Jungkook turned to him then turned towards the mirror again and shrugged.

Hoseok took that as a yes and opened a song. He rushed to his old position in front of the mirror and started to dance. Jungkook couldn't help but watch him move. He was good, really good. He did all off the moves so smoothly as he just moved with the rhythm. He looked like he was performing on a stage because he had such a professional personality on right now. His expression was sharp and went well with the songs theme.

Jungkook felt like he was in trance. He just looked at Hoseok with such an awestruck look on his face when Hoseok looked at him he couldn't help but smirk a bit. The look Jungkook gave just made him feel so confident about himself.

When the song ended he stopped for a second to breathe. Then he turned to the younger who still looked like he was in another universe. He walked up to him and sat next to him with a smile on his face.

"So? Did you like the dance?" He asked even though it was pretty obvious. But when Jungkook shook his head his smile dropped and looked at him a little sad but mostly shocked.

"What?" He asked in a voice full of unbelief. He didn't know why he wanted to impress the younger but he wanted to and he wanted to know why he didn't like it.

"I didn't like the dance... I LOVE IT! HYUNG YOU NEED TO TEACH ME HOW TO DANCE LIKE THAT! PLS PLS PLS!!" Jungkook yelled with excitement as he started to bounce around on the floor.
Hoseok started to laugh at Jungkook's behavior and also because of relief.

"Phew, don't scare me like that. Okay I'll teach you." He said with a bright smile which made Jungkook smile his bunny like smile and jump on him making both of them fall and lay on the ground.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" He yelled as he hugged the older. Hoseok just giggled and hugged back.

"You are welcome."

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