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Y/N's POV-

"Seriously, I won't do it again. Just one more chance." Kelce said while tightening his grip on my arm. 

"I can't, please just leave me alone. You've cheated and broken one too many promises and I can't stand it. You can't seriously expect me to still want to be with you after all you've put me through!" I cried, "I'm Done." 

I pulled my arm away and tried to walk away but he followed. 

"You know that you need me for status, and you and I both know how mad your parents are gonna be about this." He insisted

"I don't need you for anything, and if they decide that they don't want me around anymore because of this then so be it. I'm fucking tired of the toxic environment."

"There are people staring Y/N, just come home with me, we can make it a good time" He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against a wall. 

"No means no. Can't you understand that?" I said trying but failing, to pull away.  

"No means a little bit of struggle. Let's go home. Don't make me ask again."

He was close enough that I could smell the alcohol in his breath. 

"Hey, what the fucks going on?" A guy with blonde hair asked. Kelce let go of my shoulder and moved in front of me. 

"Nothing, move along you nasty ass pouge." Kelce growled at him. 

"Don't call him that" I stammered.

"Why don't you let me walk the girl home, and you can walk the fuck away before we have problems. Are you okay with that?" He told Kelce then asked me. 

"Yes," I answered. 

Before Kelce could react, I moved around him and stood to the other side of the blonde. I had no idea who he was, but I was ever so thankful that he showed up. 

"This is not over, you will come crawling back Y/N" He yelled as he walked down the street. 

I ignored him and walked with the other boy. 

"My names JJ, how did you manage to get tangled up with Kelce. He's a grade a asshole." JJ questioned. 

"My parents and his were putting together a business deal, and part of it included me dating Kelce to get on his parent's good side. I probably just majorly fucked things up for my family, but thank you for getting me out of that. I probably would've gotten the shit beat out of me by him had you not said anything." I told him. I wanted to cry but I didn't want to let myself seem vulnerable around a stranger. 

"No problem. I've had my fair share of run-ins with him and his lame ass excuses of friends, and I know nothing ends pretty." 

"I don't even know what to do now. I'm probably gonna get kicked out because of this. I've stayed with him for months to try and make sure I had a roof over my head." 

I hated to admit that, but it was true. I was gonna have to pack my shit, take my car, and leave. 

"Your own parents would kick you out because you ended things with an asshole?" He asked

"Yes. They've threatened to do it both times I tried breaking up with him before." I explained. 

My phone rang, I looked at the name and speak of the devil, it was my dad. 

"Y/N, I suggest you either fix things with Kelce and his family, or make sure that everything you own is out of the house before Friday, and your mother and I don't want to see you. You've fucked up one too many times." 

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