accident pt. 2

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11:19 PM

Without thinking about the consequences, JJ stormed towards Rafe.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled though Rafe didn't seem to react much.

"Hey man, nothing's wrong with me. Nothing at all." He turned to JJ, with a dead look in his eyes.

JJ's eyes, on the other hand, were clouded with rage. He felt more anger than ever before because there was a chance the person he loved more than anyone else in the world wouldn't make it through the night because she was alone when it happened and alone right now because if something happened to Y/n, there was nothing that he could do about it.

He was about to swing on Rafe when two arms pulled him back.

"JJ, c'mon, we need to follow the ambulance," Pope told him, showing up out of nowhere.

He looked at him with a look of confusion and lingering anger in his eyes.

JJ and Pope watched as Rafe was put in a police car, the red and blue lights flashing and reflecting on their faces. Tears were streaming down JJ's face, but his expression became unreadable as the realization of the situation fully hit him.

"J, we need to go."

He didn't say a word, didn't ask why Pope showed up, just followed him to Kiara's car.

Looking back on it, if Pope hadn't shown up, JJ probably would've killed Rafe right then and there.

Meanwhile, Y/n still had not woken up.

1:33 AM

The doctor informed John B that she had a severe concussion, burns on her face and arms from the airbags, and a dislocated shoulder from the airbags. It should have been worse.

It wasn't as bad as it looked, they told him. But she still had not woken up, and that was what was bothering John B the most.

He was the one who was at the hospital and saw her when she got there. He saw the blood on her face, dripping down her chin.

When JJ got there it got worse. He was freaking out, trying to see her but due to the fact that they weren't blood-related, he couldn't.

Then there was the problem of trying to get ahold of Y/n's mom, because of the paperwork and the fact that she technically wasn't emancipated yet. Obviously, they couldn't get any contact with her father, considering you can't exactly call someone who's lost at sea.

It was just a mess.

Pope and JJ were there for a grand total of 1 hour before being asked to leave, due to the fact that it was long past visiting hours, and there was no progress on her condition. JJ was furious, expectedly, and punched a dent into the twinkie once he made it outside, before walking towards Kiara's car.

Pope just looked at him, lingering sadness on his face. "C'mon man, you're just making things worse."

"I can't make things worse. It's already too far gone." JJ choked out

"You can and you will JJ. The best thing to do is go home and stay calm."

"Like hell I'm going home."

"Don't fight me on this. Get in the car."

"No, I'm not getting in the goddamn car Pope."

"JJ. I know how you feel about her, we all do. I know that you love her, but now isn't the time for this shit. When Y/n wakes up and sees you a mess with bruised knuckles, what's she gonna think? Tell me that, JJ. Now, get in the car. We're going home, you're gonna calm the fuck down, and we're gonna wait for good news, alright?" Pope took a breath and looked at him expectantly.

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