the sewer pt. 2

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Your time at the police station was short-lived and ended with a small breakdown because Shoupe just wouldn't listen.

You and Kie were both frustrated and almost crying, Pope was trying and failing to keep everyone calm, and JJ was looking like he was about to punch a wall. It wasn't pretty.

"Okay, today's been shitty, and I need a shower. Can someone take me home? Please?" You asked, breaking the long-term silence that had occurred.

"I can, as long as you don't mind the bike," JJ told you, thankfully he was a little bit calmer than before.

"Yeah that's fine, I don't really care. Just need out of these clothes." You told JJ before turning to Kie and Pope, "Call me if you hear anything about John B, see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, the first day. See you there." Kie replied

"See you there." You repeated back, before getting on the back of JJ's bike and basically holding on for dear life for the time being until you got to your house, only to find both of your parents' home.
"I cannot go inside like this. They'll kill me." You told JJ, panicking. "Neither of them are supposed to be at home."

He observed the cars before getting back on the bike, "I bet we can find a beach shower or the outdoor one at the chateau."

"The one at the chateau barely works." You laughed

"It'll be fine," He patted the seat, "Let's get moving before they notice we're here."

"You better drive slower this time." You told him as you cautiously got back onto the bike and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Hey, I went the speed limit, kinda."

"Kinda?" You asked, but instead of answering, he just sped out of your driveway, definitely alerting your parents that someone was there, but hopefully fast enough that they wouldn't have time to see who it was.

Instead of going to the beach, he went to the chateau and you immediately headed towards the makeshift shower that you and John B had previously made with a hose and an old showerhead when you were drunk and definitely feeling creative. Sure enough, the water worked. It was a little gross and very cold, but it would do.

"Can you grab me a towel and find me some clothes in there? And some soap or something." You asked JJ while trying to fix the curtain doors that were falling apart.

"Yeah, can't guarantee whose clothes they'll be though, and today is your lucky day considering Kiara just randomly brought over about 10 clean beach towels."

"Well lucky me." You told him before turning the hose on, and then closing the curtain as best you could.

While he was gone, it gave you a little bit of time to reflect on things.

Reflect on the feelings that you'd had for JJ for as long as you could remember, and the constant flirting that just made things so much worse for you. He was like that with everyone, so you never knew if it meant anything.

Unlike you though, Kiara saw how much you meant to JJ. She saw how much he cared about you and how you held him together after John B disappeared. She was the one who witnessed you holding him while he cried, despite the both of you being too drunk to stand, let alone remember it happening. Kiara was the one who watched the two of you spend numerous hours together, just taking in each other's company. She was the one who saw the way that the two of you looked at each other, eyes full of love and admiration for the other, even when either of you was doing something extremely stupid.

And it wasn't something new either. It had been like that since the day that you had become friends with them. You were in 6th grade, new to the area, and just trying to make friends. John B and JJ approached you, asking if you could surf, how else would they judge character. You had no clue, and you didn't want to lie, so you told them you couldn't. John B started to turn around, but JJ immediately offered to teach you.

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