party pooper

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Y/N's Pov


"Y/N wake u-"

"WHAT" I snapped. I saw JJ standing over me.

"Sorry, princess, but it's almost 1 pm and we have plans for the day. So get up and get ready, we're going surfing." He told me as he walked out the door. He didn't even bother to shut it.

I pulled myself out of bed and shut the door since JJ didn't have the decency to do so, and I grabbed my bathing suit off the floor. I put it on and then overtop I put on one of JJ's T-shirts, only because it just so happened to be on the floor right next to me. He and I have always had a really weird relationship, like one second I think he might like me, then the next second I'm getting treated like one of the boys.

I've had a thing for him for a while, but there's just never been a good time to say something and I always push it aside.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face, then I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart.

"Nice shirt"

I turned and saw JJ smirking at me.

"It looks better on me anyways," I told him while smiling back

"Actually, it'd look better on the floor, but you aren't ready for that conversation yet" He snickered.

"You wish" I retorted

"Yes, yes I do."

This is the type of thing I'm talking about, he says stuff like that and then asks me for advice about girls, like he can't make up his mind on what he wants from me.

"I gotta go do some shit, I'll meet you guys at the beach," I told everyone.

They waved me off and I got in the car and started driving to the convenience store. Truth be told, I didn't really have anything too important to do, I just needed a break from everyone. The chateau was also severely lacking in the food and snack department, and since I come from a kook family, I figured I could pick some things up.

I got everything I needed from there and went back to the house. The van was gone, meaning everyone already left to go surfing which is what I was hoping for. I wanted it to be more of a surprise.

I went inside and as I thought, no one was there so I put the bags on the counter and did some basic cleaning. Not because I wanted to, but it just needed it and I wasn't ready to go out to the water yet.

Once I was finished I grabbed a beer and sat and drank it, then I left to the beach with my board loaded on top of the car. I played 80's music as I drove and watched for the van so I'd know where they were. One of my favorite songs is Your Love, by The Outfield. JJ never appreciates 80's music the way I do.

I saw the van and parked right next to it and unloaded my surfboard from the top of my car. It was kinda a pain doing it alone because I'm not super tall, but I managed.

I scanned the horizon line until I saw them and started paddling out.

"Took ya long enough to get here" Kie shouted to me

"But I'm here now" I yelled back and smiled.

This is my happy place.

We headed back in a little before dusk and sat on the beach for a while.

I laid my head on JJ's lap as we watched the sunset, which was beautiful.

"Can you drive back, I'm tired?" I asked JJ.

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