KOTLC Reacts To Titz (god dang I hate Tumblr)

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Me: Ughhhhh

Linh: What happened?

Me: Tumblr happened.

Everyone: Oh no.

Me: So, the ship of Tam and Fitz is trending with the fandom. That's not my problem though.

Fitz and Tam: Wait people actually ship us?

Me: Yeah. Anyways, there's been a whole war about your ship name.

Sophie: Fitam?

Me: Nobody uses that. I think at least???

Dex: Tatz?

Me: Nobody uses that either. Or at least in the war

Keefe: F... *snickers* Fam?

Me: Yeah, that's one.

Biana: Ti- NOPE WHY.

Me: Yep, that's one of the major ones too. And that is the reason I hate tumblr

Biana: It's boobrie all over again.

Linh and Sophie: *sighs*

Me: While I haven't actually gone out of my way to see said content, I've decided to name today's react that last one.

Tam: What about Fim? It's better than this disaster.

Fitz: Fim? As in... Friendship is magic..? Or am I thinking too hard

Marella: I wanna say that that isn't too bad, but at the same time... I really dont want it to be fim. Like we might as well call it brony.

Me: I've seen that too (ajsjak I'm dumb and Brony is for Bronte x Emery not Titz)

Dex: I don't like that...

Me: It also doesn't help that bronies kinda have a bad reputation (I mean kinda rightfully so), so it feels kinda weird. Anyways, what are your thoughts?

Fitz: I don't really see it? I honestly don't know what to feel anymore, but I'm not really attracted to Tam or Linh.

Biana: Thats because he likes BLON-

Fitz: STOP.

Keefe: *giggling*

Tam: I mean, Fitz is cool, but I don't know?

Dex: Plot twist his supposed crush on Biana turns out to be on Fitz

Me: I've seen Sophiana fics where it does the reverse and it's great. I wouldn't mind having that happen with Titz

Linh: I can see that happening

Me: I don't really ship it, but heck do I support those who do. VALID.

Keefe: I think back to in the past, where there was so much more toxic screaming

Me: Oh man, don't even remind me. I adore reading the comments, but some of them get a little... And it's worse because I was part of it too. I remember saying that Titz wasn't even a ship, but like, shut up past me.

Sophie: Honestly, I don't remember you and Tam talking that much, Fitz.

Me: Yeah that's also prolly why I find it harder to ship

Dex: I think they would have chemistry though.

Biana: I feel like they'd manage to both seem immature, despite the fact that they're both somewhat sensible. I've seen Fitz go feral, and I feel like Tam would being it out

Keefe: And I wouldn't?

Fitz: You'd make me throw pillows at you.

Keefe: *throws pillow at him*

Tam: I'm not sure how I'd be the one to bring out Fitz's feral side???

Linh: Really? I can see it

Me: I think it's kinda like being the son of important people and they have to be mature, so they could finally have the childhood they never had

Tam: That's uh...

Fitz: Very depressing... But I see how that works

Keefe: I'd say that applies to me too, but I kinda just ignored my father

Marella: All I'm going to say is that if Titz gets together, I'm talking a few steps back to be safe. Don't ask me or Linh for damage control

Linh: But-

Dex: They'll be fine

Keefe: But it's Wonderboy and Bangs Boy. I feel like all of us boys just are disasters

Marella: You boys and Sophie

Sophie: Hey!

Me: Anyways, final thoughts?

Marella: Nice, but they're disasters

Sophie: It's pretty cool actually!

Linh: As long as Tam's happy and the person is nice, yeah!

Dex: I can see it

Keefe: Yes, but also how dare my best friend and rival end up together!

Me: *rolls my eyes*

Biana: I agree with Marella

Fitz: I think if we talked more it would be better

Tam: As of now, it's be kinda awkward but it would get better later on

Me: Alrighty, see y'all later! Bye!

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