KOTLC Reacts To Hekster

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Me: Hey, I'm back again!

Sophie: Oh God is it another ship?

Me: Yep! It actually involves you again!

Sophie: *blushing* Again? How many people do I get shipped with?

Me: It's called Hekster!

Dex: foster... heks... *bursts into laughter* Stina?

Sophie: Wait what

Keefe: Foster and Stina?

Fitz: Didn't see that one coming. We've only done one Stina ship right?

Biana: Yeah. But also yeah I can totally see that actually.

Fitz and Keefe: Really?

Linh: Ooh, explain!

Biana: I mean y'all read Legacy but like being there affects a lot. Stina was honestly a really big help and she supported Sophie a lot

Dex: She did, actually. In her own Stina way

Me: I feel like there were probably some Unlocked moments too, but no spoilers

Marella: Are you gonna invite her here too?

Me: I mean I could... but it's hard enough to keep track of the 8 of you already.

Keefe: Why's the ship name with last names?

Me: Why not? I mean Hekster sounds cool.

Sophie: Is this supposed to be an enemies to lovers situation?

Me: Yep! Tbh, I don't ship it that much, but also I still like it! The tumblr Fandom likes it a lot

Tam: *rolls eyes* Of course

Fitz: Are there aus yet?

Me: Oh yeah! There's a horse girl au!

Keefe: Silveny? Wait I can see that because they care for unicorns and all that

Me: Yeah exactly! I think the plot is that Sophie's the new girl who knows nothing but somehow got hired to work for Stina's and Stina's annoyed but well time to fall in love

Biana: Oh wow!

Linh: That's really cute actually

Marella: Surprisingly, yeah

Sophie: I don't even know how to feel...

Dex: Me neither. I mean I hated Stina for a while, but she's not so bad but it's still takes a bit to get used to

Me: I haven't reread the early books but I feel like Stina probably got more hate than she really deserved

Biana: Yeah, some of us were pretty big jerks early on...

Me: Kinda, yeah. Anyways, other thoughts?

Keefe: I guess it's kinda cute

Tam: It does seem pretty good

Fitz: It's alright, but I would approve

Me: Yknow what? Good enough. There was no yelling so clearly all of us have matured. Anyways I'm leaving again see y'all who knows when byee

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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