KOTLC Reacts To Fairest/Stars Above

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Me: Hello again! Back with some Lunar Chronicles things.

Biana: It's about time.

Me: I'll give 2 short books right now. Here's Fairest, Levana's backstory.

Fitz: But Levana's evil, why would we want to read about only her?

Me: Because as Sophie said, there is two sides to a story. Not everyone's evil just to be evil.

Fitz: ...

Keefe: Using Sophie to keep him quiet, that's cheap.

Me: *shrugs* I know. I get that a lot. You should read now.

Linh: Levana. Why are you burning? Cinder had nightmares but it was a memory. Did Levana burn too?

Me: Why don't you continue reading instead?

Tam: *mutters* Aggressive much?

Me: *glares at Tam*

Fitz: I thought Levana was bad. But Channary is horrible.

Me: I actually liked Levana. As a character.

Tam: So that's why you screamed no a bunch?

Me: I never said I liked what she did.

Tam: Please don't tell me Levana's going to kill Solstice.

Linh: That would be horrible! She's pregnant right now!

Me: Just wait.

Biana: That quilt was made by hand? Wow, that's impressive.

Linh: I'm just starting to feel bad for Levana.

Tam: Really, you feel bad for the villain?

Keefe: Shut up Bangs Boy! It's like how you don't care for Thorne at all.

Me: *sighs*

Everyone: Uh, what? Why does it say that?

Me: I never noticed that. Besides, I already told you it was a young adult book. You should get used to this. Oh wait! DEX! MY PRECIOUS LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL! YOU MUST BE SCARRED BY THIS! I WILL REMOVE ANYTHING HORRIBLE ON THIS FOR YOU! *Sits next to Dex and concentrates to make him not see it anymore*

Dex: Ravi, it's fine.


Linh: Ravi, you're not terrible.

Me: You're talking to the person who continuosly says about how Keefe is Sencen emotions.

Everyone else: THAT IS TERRIBLE!

Me: Does it now make Sencen why I'm terrible?

Everyone else: *nods*

Sophie: The child, is that... Winter?

Fitz: Her mother was Solstice?

Me: Go on and read.

Tam: Imagining that Winter was her child, foreshadowing much?

Me: Who taught ya that one? I know I didn't. And I use forshadowing a lot. *Bites lip to prevent from excessive fangirling*

Sophie: Cinder's father is seriously unknown? It would have been nice to know who her father is.

Me: I know. Just like how it'd be nice if we knew Kai's last name. It's just Emperor Kaito.

Linh: And I was starting to feel bad for Levana, she decided to be evil again.

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