KOTLC Reacts To Bianella

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Me: Heyyyy, I'm back!

Marella: Am I going to get used to this?

Tam: Eh, it took me around 20.

Me: Wait what? Rude.

Keefe: I got used to Ravi immediately. So... What's the topic this time? More ships?

Me: Yeah. Bianella. I don't necessarily ship it, but I ship it more than Sopharella. Also I really wanted Bianella time during Flashback but idk if there was even any.

Marella: Am I going to get used to you referring to parts of our lives as books?

Sophie: *shrugs* Eventually.

Me: Can't blame you for that one. Then again, I always low-key expect dumb stuff with me, for example Rex and I decided we'd name our live tv show about us "A Life In The Life." It was her idea really.

Dex: That's... A name.

Me: Anyways, Bianella.

Fitz: It's cuter than Sopharella, but... I don't think Marella's right for Biana.

Marella: Why not, huh?

Fitz: I... I don't know if I'd handle you as my sister-in-law.

Tam: I say no.

Linh: That's because Biana's involved, isn't it?

Tam: *a little bit red* Ugh fine, you're right.

Keefe: You managed to get Bangs Boy to actually admit it?

Tam: I mean... Everyone in the comments is probably gonna start screaming Tiana.

Me: I don't doubt that.

Biana: I don't even know who I like at this point.

Dex: Ain't that relatable.

Biana: I mean... The ship isn't bad.

Linh: I find it cute!

Keefe: You find practically every ship cute.

Me: Is that a problem? Linh's a multishipper, and it's great.

Linh: Yeah! There's just so many good options, each unique.

Marella: I agree with Biana.

Sophie: It is good.

Keefe: Meh.

Dex: In the middle between pretty good and meh.

Marella: So am I.

Me: I like how there's still been no arguing.

Biana: The boys are immature, and can't handle being shipped.

Fitz: Rude!

Sophie: It's true though...

Keefe and Fitz: *gasps* RUDE!

Tam: I can handle being shipped with anyone except Keefe.

Dex: Same applies to me, except with Fitz.

Me: Eh, at least two of them admit it. Good job. Anyways, battery at 6%, bye bye!

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