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Emma comes off the coma after 6 years. Aavir runs to her when hears of it, and begins to express all his endless feelings without even taking breaks for breath. They return to their normal lives and family members and other close friends reach for their marriage. As remarkable as in her visions he dreamt of her. She fabricated her Make-up dimple.

As suffered from surgeries and radiotherapy her fertility gets effected so they adopted 2 girl twin children.Eva and Aarya are their two mischievous toddlers. Tej stays with them on weekends and is happily married to his Tinder girlfriend back then and have a boy named Vihaan. Emma still gets her therapy done every week twice and everyone prays every day for her to live a day longer. Aavir sleeps after her and wakes up before her. A tumor patient or coma survivor is always at risk. Eva, Aarya, and Vihaan get a free entertainment session every weekend with all gossips of Aavir and Tej.

HOPE is something that we should keep alive in us forever. Never also underestimate time as you are the slave of time and you should respect it. Emma is practically on a broken boat that can drown her at any moment.

I can't say they lived happily ever after but they are living their every moment happily with no regrets. So appreciate each moment with your loved ones and spread love as love its hard to spread.


Even if someday our loved ones die we still have reasons to HOPE for HAPPILY EVER AFTER ' as life never stops surprising us every moment in our journey.

All of you traveled with me this long and your love and encouragement helped me keep blogging. Thank you so much for every single one of you. I know a lot of mistakes will always be made, but I'm growing up and I hope to show you all another story soon.

I am delighted by all your support and affection.

This is Priya Dwivedi signing out!

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