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Tuesday morning I see Big flash of light as I open my eyes, a doctor and a few nurses note some notes. I tried to talk but was only stunned by the scenario of lying nowhere on a hospital bed with odd strong doctors and nurses all around like a terrible dream.

The doctor turned towards me and with his calm and caring  voice as if I belong to his family asks me, "So strong girl do you feel better now? ".I am still in shock and figuring what is happening and why this dream seems so real to me!.

Pappa walks in and I can see my maa crying in the corner trying to get a glimpse from the space. Even pappa had swollen eyes that felt like he haven't almost slept for quite a few days but still tries to maintain his strong "I am strong" look.I had no idea what was going on but by now I was sure it was no longer a dream. I was searching for my cell to check emails from the office, but they gave me a dose of injection and I felt all faint.It was nearly evening, I woke up and I had my best sleep, to be honest. This feels like I haven't slept with no hallucinations for almost years, only a relatively quiet night.Maa came in with her eyes that seemed to have cried out there some ocean when I had my best life sleep. She had a soup bowl in her side, with Corn soup exactly. I've always enjoyed having soup so I've been waiting for her to hand over that whole bowl and bring some more. She started crying when I said, "my favorite soup," another moment of shock for me. I've always mentioned what I really loved and admired her for, rather than saying.

"Why don't you start cooking by yourself", she started crying from no-where.

My throat felt some swellings and I was not able to  finish even half of it. All I could feel is the taste of all medicines that I have never seen in my entire life. But I had so many questions to ask, so many answers to receive and all that really mattered was what and how I ended up here Some hospital which I don't even know the name. I asked for my cell but nurses denied and blackmailed me with injecting another injection. I wanted to reply to them that how eager I am to get that injection injected and have another good sleep but all that I was worried was me getting fired by not completing my given tasks. I asked politely to her to just let me call my boss and let them know I am here in some hospital that I don't get my wages cutoff. My arguments with her were not over that then the doctor enters and assures me that things have been informed to my office and I have nothing to worry about(relief breathe).

I was dressed back in my clothes and walked to the doctor's office where maa and pappa were already waiting for me.

He made me sit on the chair next to him and again with his caring and the polite voice said, "Hello Emma, I am Dr.Sunil
Are you feeling good now? How was your deep sleep?".

These hours have been shocking hours, and how does he know that I was deeply sleeping and why is he behaving like I am about 10 years old? Doesn't he know that I've already started meeting Shaadi.com guys, is he a real doctor?

With all these thoughts in my head, I replied, "Oh hello doctor, yes I am doing good and yes I had my best deep sleep but can you please let me know why Am I here? Or Am I just dreaming about it?"

Just had I finished my reply that my maa burst into another ocean and on another hand pappa straight broad chest was waiting for the doctor to answer me.

Finally, Dr.sunil cracks the curtain of questions and says straightforwardly, "Emma you are diagnosed with a brain tumor that will quickly spread all over and be difficult to handle," I had stacked up questions but my lips stayed sealed shut.

He continued, "And for these, I've been talking to your parents and we think you should resign and go to your nana 's house for further treatment, we've got our highly qualified doctors working on these similar symptoms," I didn't have anything more to ask. I was frozen, frozen in summer. Dr.sunil and dad and maa discussed and got my tickets, mama came to pick me up with addresses of newly transferred highly qualified doctor according to Dr.sunil.

Dr.sunil finished with words like "You 're a good girl and soon you'll back we'll enjoying a long holiday together, just take your medications and don't debate much with those physicians, they 're young like you and they're going to give you the best care." I can see myself dying, Not from the accident Not from calamities or hunger but from A tumor!

The next day, we boarded our flight with my head having millions of thought and adventures that I thought I would have done before I die but everything in vain.

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