This is not the end(Part 1)

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I see my journey with her when I look at her now, her tantrums, her stupid lame pickup lines, her sleeping with a half-open mouth. Without Her, I can't picture my future. I don't know how fast it all began because in those numbered days she gave me 'Our forever.' I never considered loving someone who was just a patient to me. The spark has been mentioned by people from generations back, the sudden arrival of someone in our lives and that makes us fall for them again and again.

With all these emotions and doubts now lying aside trying to embrace her in my arms. As a doctor, I failed. I crashed. I decided to wake her up for the last time and talk to her. Radiotherapy isn't an easy thing. You don't have control over it. There's something it can respond to and end your life. For a patient who has been through radiotherapy every day is a survival mission. Her fingers wrapped in like a child. Her wedding plans, her last wish, whatever she wants, whatever she ever wanted, or even the moon that I would bring at her feet. I know my incompetence so what's worth more than a life? Her Life!

I kept giving my small smooth neck kisses to her. Then slowly went back to the couch in that room and watched her silently. Waited for her all night. She was smiling in her sleep. Is she enjoying her sleep?well she should not! I am waiting here for her and she likes napping more than me? I was getting mad at everything. I kept reading research papers all night and googling all positive thoughts to encourage her tomorrow.

I don't have a clue when I slept. I heard the voices of a nurse and woke up. Emma grinned at me because she enjoys these happy blossoms all the time. Tej and Ronit have come here too. Everyone left Emma and me to enjoy more time before the start of the horrific surgery and therapy. I went to her and held her hand, and kissed her forehead.

"Your snores are getting louder ", She said.

"You were awake last night? Why didn't you wake me up? I replied.

"Wanted to enjoy your snores and your calm face which is disrupted now a days because of me", she replied with guilt on her face.

"Shush! I waited all night to talk to you, You should've woke me up", I replied.

Ok, it's all my fault, I slept. Additionally, my snores interrupted her night.As clock ticks, she seemed too afraid. Always maintaining her smile, but her anxiety inside was getting crooked and uncomfortable. I got closer and kissed her.

"I have decided your wedding dress", I tried diverting her mind.

"Stop pretending Aavir", she replied.

Sure, maybe nothing worked out. Well, I also did not manage to divert her thoughts. Somewhere I just felt like smashing myself. She had some thoughts going inside of her that her eyes can clearly speak it all.

"Okay!tell me, You are bad at hiding anything", I said.

She chuckled.

"So 'Maybe' I die today and 'Maybe' what we are having moments now would be our last memories to remember, I think I owe you a lot and let's confess about each other for 'Maybe' last time", She hesitantly replied.

"You are not dying!",I confidently said with my shaking and constantly shivery hands.

"Maybe", She argued.

"So You wanna go first and confront things or should I snatch that 'ladies first' policy and confess my love, love?",I flirtingly said.

I tried giving a smirk our one eye blink emoji but what all I did sound and appeared weird.

"Ladies first always", her feminist voice spoke.

"So Aavir Arora, it's true the very first day we met I never would have thought you have a kind soul within you, and now that Devil Aavir does not suit you. The moment or the very first time you hugged me to comfort me and promised about not letting me die was just incredible. I never stopped feeling those butterflies in my stomach whenever we were together, moments spent on that funfair or bazaar competing 'who ate more golgappe is something I will cherish even after my soul knocks heaven's door or for a change hell's door. You are someone who made my expectations come into action without me even expressing them (okay I might have said it million times). Remember 'Our first night together' yes it's the best part of my life. You truly gave me my forever within all these days with you. I felt so special with you every tiny moment from your snores to choose'butterscotch' icecream over 'blue current' and did I forgot your lame jokes? Tej and I used to make fun of them after you left(trying to hold my laughter). You complete me. You made my days more beautiful by just being with me. So if I die today! A big 'MAYBE' then I want you to promise me that you will get along in your life and find a responsible person to handle your lame jokes forever. Yes, you are not allowed to replace me 'REMEMBER I AM YOUR FOREVER EVEN IF I DIE'.You are the best thing to ever happen but this world sucks! Got damn Tumor ruined our Romance. I love you Aavir and I want my name on my death certificate 'Emma Singh Arora'!I want to die being your wife. Also, you are not allowed to pull that engagement ring! I love you always!",She said taking a deep breath.

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