It's always beautiful

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      "You have less than a month, your tumor is rapidly multiplying. Well, the month is just an estimate but it's serious now. Treatments aren't working as we planned. Medicines aren't doing their job as we expected. We need to be clear as I don't want you to discover this truth later when it's too late"

One month! Just A Month!

I screamed so loud in my head. It began to gloom before my eyes. I knew this was going to happen but as I started to get hopes that started to crumble now.

"Everything was so perfect, I was even positive this time, so how couldn't this work? Dr. Aavir, you said you're not going to let me die, yesterday you were so sure I'm recovering, and then you said this now?"

I couldn't just believe what was going to happen. A person who finally starts feeling healthy gets to know they're dying. I went numb.

I just started to sob. Giant drops of tears started to fight to roll down my face. My eyes squeezed and struggled to clear the layer of tear formed on my eyelid.

I began to scream "why me, why me," and turned to the brick to find my frozen body 's support. I could see the face of Dr. Aavir seemingly trying hard to control his tears.

I was crying so loud that I could understand only my pain, and I didn't care what anyone would think if they looked at me like this, especially when there was somebody's engagement inside. I felt the comfort of Dr. Aavir's arms around me. He tried to secure me with his physical workout arms that felt so comfortable or like people say "A Home". It was such a special and comforting back hug which made me melt and calmed my sadness. Slowly I felt him whisper into my ears,

"I'm not going to let you die, my promise will always be the same, so I'm going to be part of your destination wedding that you keep babbling every time."

My grief was so much that I couldn't believe this and I knew that promises change. I wonder why I could feel a few bead on my neck, as far as I remember Dr. Aavir was always a clean shaved guy.

Well, maybe that moment was meant to be special. I turned around and hugged him tightly and apologized to him for my rude tone and thanked him for the cozy hug which I needed the most.

I wiped my face with my chunni and asked him to check my mascara was still on point or got ruined. He laughed.
He pulled his white cleaned handkerchief from his pocket and with his gentle soft hands cleaned my spread kajal. I kept staring at his eyes. He probably has the best deepness where I would love to dive.

Clearing his throat he said,

"Miss beautiful you are ready to rock the floor", I tried ignoring his words but was blushing like hell.

We went back to the stage where they were waiting for me so that I don't miss their ring ceremony. They looked so perfect together. Indeed their efforts to marry the one they loved for years were finally happening. I could see happy tears in Isha's eyes. Her fiance could not take his eyes over isha as all they planned had paid off at the end.

I could not smile for pictures they clicked. I kept hiding which seemed like I am busy helping the guests or caterers.
Mama caught me crying in my room and hugged me with tears filled eyes. We went down where everybody was waiting for us, they wanted to know about the reports but mama warned them to not make me feel sadder.

Everyone was gathered together with Dr. Aavir and Dr. Tej in Isha 's room, I tried to act strong and my eyes have already wept a lot so wanted my family to know how desperately I want to make every day a moment to stay in their lives forever and how much I loved each and every one of them.

I took a deep breath and smiled. A dramatic pause and said," I have A month or less than a month asper Dr.Aavir and Dr.Tej, My tumors are multiplying".

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