A Step Forward: Chapter 38.1

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This early update is because @redswolfstar- seemed so excited for another update and I'm excited about these next few chapters! So enjoy!

Draco snuck out of the dorm less than an hour later when Harry never returned. He was wandering down the hall when he slammed into what seemed like empty air.

Suddenly Harry was visible, the cloak laying beside him on the floor. Draco stared at it, mildly shocked for a second before recovering himself, the cloak wasn't important right now.

"Sorry," Draco murmured. "I said things I didn't mean."

"Sounded like you meant them, Malfoy," Harry said, he knew Draco hadn't meant it but he was still hurt.

"Back to last names now Potter?" he couldn't help it, the use of his last name stung. He'd come and apologized, something he would never have done a year ago, and Harry was still angry; the thought made him frustrated. "In that case, I hope you remember I still know all the Slytherin prefects, I could easily get house points taken from you for being out past curfew and turn you in for having an invisibility cloak."

"You could, but you wouldn't."

"Yes, I would."

"You wouldn't," Harry said as he reached forward and grabbed both of Draco's wrists and pulled him under the cloak as well, his anger melting as he pulled Draco towards himself. He could see the sorry look in Draco's eyes and he knew Draco well enough to know that the fight earlier was just Draco's fear talking.

Draco sucked in a breath at the sudden proximity. He could feel Harry's breath ghosting over his lips, and his wrists were still being held by Harry. "I would," he said, just above a whisper. Harry was silent for a moment and Draco couldn't help noticing the way Harry's eyebrows furrowed just slightly as he contemplated his next words.

"You're pretty cute you know," Harry said and slipped his hands from Draco's wrists to take his hands. Draco's breath caught and he froze. "I'm sorry if I pushed too far earlier, I didn't mean to upset you," Harry said, fumbling over his words as he tried to backtrack, but as he was about to let go of Draco's hands, Draco threw his arms over Harry's shoulders and hugged him.

"You didn't go too far, I was just scared and saying whatever came to my head, I'm sorry," Draco breathed into his shoulder as Harry wrapped his arms around him, and then added, "I think you're pretty cute too."

Harry smiled into Draco's shoulder.

"I also like you, a lot. I want to try being your boyfriend too, if you'll let me."

"Really?" Harry excitedly jumped back, previous argument all but forgotten.

"Yeah, I- I want to try, but in secret. I don't want my dad to find out."

A big grin spread across Harry's lips as he grabbed Draco and pulled him back into himself.

They stood like that for a moment in the middle of the corridor until Draco seemed to get an idea and jumped back a bit, "How do you even have an invisibility cloak?!" Draco said as he took in the cloak that currently draped part way around Harry's shoulders.

"It was my fathers, Dumbledore gave it to me in first year for Christmas."

"No way, these are so rare! It's really beautiful," Draco breathed, running his hands over the fabric. Draco slid out from under the cloak, causing it to slide off Harry slightly, bringing his head and part of a shoulder into view. Draco walked around Harry checking out the cloak which made Harry go slightly red. "This was really your dad's?"

"Yeah, and I've heard he caused all sorts of trouble with it too." Draco laughed and Harry smiled at the sound.

"I can only imagine. I bet your father ran all over these halls with the same wild hair and goofy glasses you've got too," Draco snickered.

"Oh I'm sure," Harry smiled.

They both heard steps then and Harry quickly grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him under the cloak. Just in time too, as Filch came around the corner just then, muttering about hearing naughty kids up and about.

Draco looked over to find Harry grinning as Filch walked past, his face glowed with joy and his eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight and Draco fell more in love with him in that moment, if that was even possible.

When Filch finally passed and they couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, Harry turned towards Draco with that lop-sided grin that he loved so much and he couldn't help himself. Draco pressed Harry into the wall and captured his lips. Harry sighed into the kiss, his hands coming up to tangle in Draco's hair. Draco kissed Harry with a fervor that rivaled their kiss in the woods.

Draco's hands traveled down to the bottom of Harry's shirt and pulled it up slightly, his cool hands sliding under the fabric. A shiver went down Harry's spine and he moved his own hands to Draco's hips.

Draco's head tilted then and pressed his lips harder to Harry's and suddenly their kisses became hungry. Draco moved closer to Harry so that their bodies ground against each other and Harry let out a low groan.

Harry pulled away then, his eyes still closed. His lips were slightly swollen and red, Draco noticed and was about to lean back in when Harry murmured, "We should probably head back to the room before we actually are caught."

Draco readily agreed, not wanting to imagine the rumors that would spread if they were caught like this: clothes and hair rumpled, pink-lipped, and snogging on the side of the hallway.

The walk back to the room felt impossibly long. Draco could feel Harry's side pressed up against him as they walked back under the cloak and it was not helping his focus at all.

As soon as the door closed, Draco and Harry were in Draco's bed, robes and shirts slipping off the side of the bed and onto the floor, quickly forgotten. Harry's hands were almost immediately tugging at Draco's pants as they continued what they had been doing in the hall.

Draco sat back a moment to get his pants off and Harry's own quickly followed Draco's off the side of the bed.

Harry looked over at Draco and froze. Draco had two large scars cutting across his abdomen and up to his chest. Harry took them in and realized what they were from.

"I did this," Harry practically whispered, reaching out and trailing his fingertips over the scars lightly. Draco felt a shiver go down his spine.

"It's alright."

"It's not alright, I did that to you," Harry was pulling away now and Draco reached out to grab onto Harry's arms.

"We were fighting. If you hadn't done it I would have done much worse to you."


"It's alright, I've already forgiven you. We both made mistakes."

Harry looked up at Draco with sad eyes and Draco leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Harry's lips. "You have to forgive yourself," Draco said, the words ghosting over Harry's lips.

Harry leaned into Draco's lips again and soon he was pressing Draco down into the mattress and pressing wet kisses down his neck and to his collarbone.

A/N: The next chapter that will be posted is going to be the rest of this chapter and will be pure smut. I wanted to separate the two parts for those who don't want to read that. It will be up next Saturday!

*image belongs to convallarias-art on Tumblr*

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