Quick note

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Hey guys! Sorry there will not be an update today as I'm helping my family with cleaning up the backyard to put in a wall and I haven't had time to write! So instead I'm going to give you what I've written so far for the next chapter...

Friday rolled around again and with it came the weekly party the eighth years had begun doing. Everyone was already in a circle when Draco made it down the stairs from his and Harry's shared room.

"Come on Draco, we're about to start," Pansy called, patting the spot on the floor next to her. Draco made his way over to her as she launched into the rules of the game they'd be playing. "Okay, we're shaking it up again and playing a game called What Are The Odds. Basically person A starts off by spinning this bottle here and when it lands on person B, person A askes B a 'what are the odds question.' This can be anything as long as it's not too explicit.

"Some example questions would be, 'What are the odds you'll kiss Neville' or 'What are the odds you'll chug a bottle of firewhiskey.'

"Then, on the count of three both person A and B say a number from 1 to 10 and if the number is the same, person B must do what person A said."

There were some nervous glances around the circle, but no outright objections and Pansy handed the bottle to Ginny. "You go first this time," Pansy said.

Ginny grabbed onto the bottle and set it down in the middle, giving it a good spin.

It's pretty short but I felt bad about not posting anything today! Updates will continue as scheduled this Thursday though!

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