The breaking point: Chapter 10

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"I never see you guys anymore!" Pansy complained as she flopped onto Blaise's bed. "You're always off making out with Potter," she said gesturing to Draco.

"I'm not off making out with him! We're being punished!" Draco protested indignantly from where he was sitting in Blaise's desk chair.

Pansy simply ignored him and continued, "And you're always off on dates with your new boyfriend!" Pansy shot Blaise a look over her shoulder.

"You know that Neville's just helping me with Herbology!" Blaise shouted back, suddenly very embarrassed.

"Ohh~ So this mysterious boyfriend has a name now?" Pansy smirked at him as Blaise buried his head in his hands and groaned. "Plus it's been more than just homework help. You're even helping him out with that little project of his."

"I just thought he could use the help," Blaise said suddenly defensive.

"Oh, we all know that you like him Blaise, don't act like you're just going for help," Draco said a smirk spreading over his face.

"Yeah, you're one to talk, Draco. At least the rest of us have admitted we're gay and you're still just sitting there pretending to be straight," Pansy replied.

"That's because I am straight."

"Honey you're very far from straight," Pansy rolled her eyes, "But that isn't the problem here! I never see you guys and you both have boyfriends! I don't have anyone!" Pansy groaned falling back on the bed dramatically and Blaise rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh stop being dramatic, none of us are dating anyone. I don't like Neville like that and Draco's too chicken to tell Potter he likes him."

"I just said I don't like him!" Darco shouted glaring at Blaise.

"You guys got to help me find a girlfriend!" Pansy said over Draco's complaining.

"The player Pansy actually wants a steady relationship?!" Blaise said in mock surprise.

Pansy swatted at his leg playfully, "I'm not a player. Just because girls actually like me doesn't make me a player."

"Ouch, that stings. Especially as I don't like them either," Blaise grabbed at his chest and pansy whacked him in the back of the head, "Hey!"

"You know what I mean! I just think it'd be nice to actually find someone for our final year here don't you think? I know we all joke but I really think we should try and just have a normal year. And if you like Potter there's really nothing wrong with that Draco," Draco groaned and threw his head back, "And you Blaise, you should just admit it if you like him. In my opinion I think he'd say yes and if he doesn't like guys we both know he's too nice to be mean to you about it."

"Yeah, I know. Do you really think I should tell him?" Blaise said, turning his head away from Pansy's surprised expression.

"So you admit it! You do like him! I was right!" Pansy shouted.

"Shhh! Keep it down! Someone's going to hear," Blaise shot a nervous look at the door and they all turned to look for a moment.

"Nobody's going to hear us," Pansy laughed, "Anyway, we need a plan! Let me get the notebook!" Pansy jumped up and ran out of the room, leaving Blaise and Draco to laugh.

The notebook was a garish sparkly pink book that Pansy had showed up to school with after summer break in second year, and proclaimed it would be for any plans they made. Pansy always brought it to school every year even though it remained mostly empty..

Pansy returned with the pink notebook and resumed her position on the bed and opened it up scribbling in neat cursive 'Plan Blaise x Neville'.

"Can we not right it so blatantly across the top? Someone might find this journal," Blaise groaned.

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