Jealousy: Chapter 9

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Harry was glowing and Hermione noticed it immediately, nudging Ron and jerking her head towards Harry. Harry came down the stairs with a certain aura around him and even Ron seemed to notice. She had been worried about him since the battle ended; he had moped around the Burrow all summer (according to Ron) and since they got back to Hogwarts she'd rarely seen him smile. She didn't know what was wrong but knew it was more than just the war, and whatever happened to make him seem so happy today she hoped would happen again.

Ron seemed equally confused by the turn in attitude but never-the-less made the best of it and kept up a lively conversation with both Harry and Hermione. By the time they got to the Great Hall both Ron and Hermione had shot glances at each other about 100 times.

"Hey Harry, Hermione, Ron," Luna greeted them in turn, "You look happy today Harry and the Wrackspurts around your head seem to have been growing lately too."

"Um- thanks Luna, good to see you too," Harry said slightly confused and sat down across from her.

"You're sitting with the Gryffindors today?" Hermione asked, smiling over at Luna who was seated between Ginny and Neville. Some students had been switching tables recently and McGonagall seemed to be thrilled by the easy display of house unity, but Luna was the one who switched tables the most, by far.

"Oh yes, Ginny invited me today," Luna said and smiled over at Ginny who turned slightly pink around the ears.

"Well we're happy to have you," Hermione smiled.

"Yup! Apparently we all have Wrackspurts around our heads though," Seamus laughed and Luna smiled at him.

"What exactly are Wrackspurts, Luna?" Ron mumbled around a bite of food at Hermione shot him a look at which he promptly closed his mouth and continued chewing, this time with his mouth closed.

"Well they're invisible creatures that fly around your head. They usually mean you're dizzy or in love," Luna replied dreamily.

"Ahh that makes sense," Seamus said leading back and smirking.

"You're in love with someone now? Or just dizzy?" Ron said, this time with his mouth empty. Harry absentmindedly listened to his conversation as his head was spinning. It means I'm in love? No, of course not, it's just Luna's made up creatures again.

"Of course, with Dean here," Seamus said smirking at Ron and holding their linked hands up as Dean rolled his eyes at him.

"Oh of course, I should have known," Ron said rolling his eyes and chuckling.

"Oh, I'm serious," Seamus said as Dean buried his head in his free hand, "we are."

Ron's mouth dropped, Luna looked like this was old news, and Hermione gave them a wide smile. "I'm so happy for you guys!" she said as Ron choked on his food. "Oh cut it out Ron," Hermione shot a look at her boyfriend who looked shell-shocked.

"Hey! I'm just surprised, I wasn't expecting that," Ron said finally recovering, "Since when?"

"Well since about fourth year," Dean replied and Ron choked on his food again, and Hermione pounded on his back.

"No way! That long?" Ginny finally spoke up, "I knew you guys were dating but I didn't realize it had been for that long!"

"Yeah, you guys kept it really well hidden. Though it does make more sense now, you guys make a cute couple," Ron said and smiled over at them.

"Thanks guys," Seamus smiled and then noticed Harry sitting quietly and his smile dropped slightly, "You alright Harry? You've been awfully quiet."

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