Pranking Is An Art Form: Chapter 33

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On Wednesday Harry came rushing through the doors of Draco and his shared dorm. Draco watched in mild amusement as he took in Harry's slightly disheveled form. Before Draco could even get a word out though, Harry said, "Okay, I've got the plan."

"What plan?" Draco said, placing his homework down on his bed.

"For a prank."

"You were actually serious about that?" Draco asked, "I thought you'd forgotten about it actually."

"I told you I wasn't kidding," Harry said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Draco could hear the birds chirping outside the window and he wished he was one of them at this moment, if only to get out of whatever kind of trouble they were about to get into. He knew as soon as Harry suggested it, he wouldn't be able to say no to him.

"I say we prank Filch."

"I mean I don't like him much either, but what is the reasoning behind this?"

"He never lets anyone have any fun, he took some of Ron's things he got from his brother's shop and now he has detention. I want to get them back," Harry said with a smirk.

"So you immediately turned to pranking?"

"He's done it more than once and I want to get the stuff back. They were some fireworks and things that Ron was planning to use then when Gryffindor wins against Slytherin at the first match this weekend."

"Firstly, you mean when Slytherin wins against Gryffindor. Secondly, I'll help you get the stuff back only cause I'm bored and promised you I would help."

"Yes!" Harry said, already celebrating.

"Not so fast, what was your plan you had."

Harry looked up at Draco guiltily.

"You don't have a plan do you," Draco said sighing, rubbing a hand down his face.

"I do! It was to prank filch and get Ron's things back."

"That's not a plan, that's just an idea."

"Well then help me come up with one," Harry said, walking over to Draco's bed and flopping down on it.

"So your plan was to decide who to prank and then come to me to make up the idea?" Draco said, smirking down at Harry who was laying on his bed smiling sheepishly.

"I said I'd help," Harry pouted.

"Sure," Draco laughed, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on Harry's lips. When Harry leaned up to continue the kiss, Draco pulled away and Harry complained. "You wanted to plan a prank, remember?"

"You know, I think kissing you would be more fun and Ron can always get new stuff," Harry said, eyes remaining closed in a silent plea.

"Nope, you said you wanted to prank Filch, no going back now," Draco said, laughing when Harry let out a put-out groan and fell back dramatically.

"I don't think we'll have enough time to get them back before the match though," Draco murmured, already trying to come up with ideas on how to get the fireworks back and prank Filch in the process.

"Damn," Harry mumbled, still slightly put-off that he wasn't currently snogging Draco.

"There's a lot of suits of armor around his office right?" Draco asked, an idea slowly forming in his head after a long moment of silence.

"Yeah, I think so, why?"

"Well, they'd serve as an excellent distraction don't you think?" Draco said and a wide smile crawled it's way across Harry's face.

A/N: Okay I want to be honest with y'all! I'm sorry about not updating last weekend, I got busy with college things and ran out of ideas for this chapter that would still keep the pacing and order of this story. With that said, I've decided to simply put this chapter out, as short as it is.

Because this chapter is so short I've also created a one-shot that ties into the story that I will post on Wattpad as well. The title is This One Hot Day and it can be found here...

I should be posting Saturday, if I have wifi, but you can expect it Monday at the latest.

I looked this story was at 6k reads and then I looked today and it's almost at 10k! Thank you guys for the support!

Now, lastly, (sorry for all the writing) This story has been translated into Chinese, which you can find here: Thank you so much to 💚 Drarry Forever 💚 for translating!

*image belongs to Wizardnem on Tumblr*

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