The First Party: Chapter 12 pt.1

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The day had finally come for the party and almost all the eighth-years were gathered in front of the fireplace.

"Okay, what are we playing first?" Pansy said, reaching forward and grabbing a bottle of firewhisky from the center. Dean and Seamus showed up with an armful each of alcohol at which Hermione sighed and told them to set it down in the middle of their circle along with the food Harry and Ron picked up.

Everyone looked at each other as no one gave any suggestions. "Fine, looks like I have to do everything," Pansy sighed dramatically, "How about that muggle game: Truth or Dare or Drink?" Most everyone just stared at her again: almost no one had heard of the game before except those with muggle parents.

"Great idea, Pansy," Hermione said, "I'll explain how you play it for everyone. One person spins a bottle and the person it lands on has to do a truth or dare - they get to choose which - and the person who spun gives them their truth or dare. If the person doesn't want to answer or do the dare, they have to take a shot of firewhisky," Hermione shot a look at Seamus who looked too smug for her taste, "Everyone understand?" Everyone nodded in the affirmative.

"Thanks, now all we need is the bottle," Pansy said and then took notice of the bottle still in her hand, "Let's all finish this one off, games are always more fun when you're not completely sober." Pansy took a gulp of the liquid and passed it to Seamus who was seated to her left. Seamus gave her an approving look and took a gulp of the burning liquid and passed it to Dean.

When the bottle was finally handed back to Pansy from Blaise it was placed in the centre and Pansy volunteered to spin first. The bottle spun around a few times before slowing to a stop before Neville and Neville audibly gulped when he saw the look she was giving him.

"Truth or dare, Longbottom," Pansy said as a wide smirk spread across her face and Blaise shot her a very worried look.

"Truth," Neville said and hoped it was the right decision. It evidently wasn't as her smirk spread wider if that was even possible.

"Do you have a crush on someone in the circle?" Neville felt the back of his neck heat up. He knew how playing games like this worked at Hogwarts: it would be impossible to lie, he only had a few moments to take a shot if he didn't want to answer before his answer would burst from his mouth without any control over it.

"Yes," Neville mumbled, deciding to just answer. What harm could that do? It's not like she could know who it was from that. Granted there weren't that many people in the circle, but still enough to not immediately guess it.

Blaise turned a bit pink from the admission and avoided eye contact with Neville as he resoutly stared at the ground in front of him.

Neville picked the bottle up to give it a spin, it landed on Hermione.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Hermione replied.

Neville thought about it for a moment and then an idea popped into his head. "When did you start liking Ron?"

Hermione smiled a bit at that, but was not nearly as embarrassed by the question as Neville had been by his, and confidently answered, "about third year."

"Really? Awww," Ron said leaning a bit into her and kissing her cheek, "wish I made a move sooner." Hermione smiled and entwined her fingers with his.

"So do I, you were incredibly dense," Hermione laughed and spun the bottle with her free hand and it landed on Lavender. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Lavender said confidently and Hermione grin spread across her face, getting into the game.

"I dare you to take the pitcher of water over there and dump in over your head, the whole thing," Hermione quickly cast a spell to protect the carpet from the water that was soon to come. She only felt a twinge of guilt at the thought of the dare, it felt a bit like a way to get back at her for dating Ron and acting like a git about it to her. Lavender looked at Hermione a bit dumbfounded for a moment and then quickly walked over to get the pitcher off the table, wanting to get the dare over quickly.

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