The Aftermath: Chapter 8

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Draco cleared his throat, "So what do you want to do after Hogwarts?"

"Well, when I was younger I wanted to go into the auror program but I don't think I want to do that anymore. I was actually thinking about being a healer or a teacher. I'd really love to teach Defense against the Dark arts. What about you?"

"Look who's stealing questions now," Draco smirked over at Harry who had moved to lean against the headboard. Draco wanted to tell him to go back to his own bed but he couldn't bring himself to for some reason; there was just something about the way Harry looked in his bed. "I think I want to do something with potions. McGonagall actually offered me a position here after school as the potions teacher. Professor Slughorn is going to retire soon and someone needs to fill the spot."

"Oh for real?" Draco nodded his head at Harry and gave him a small smile, "That's so cool!"

"Yeah, it would be very fun. What's one place you want to travel to?"

"France. Do you ever sing in the shower?"

"No, singing in the shower is undignified," Draco said, sticking his nose up into the air as Harry laughed, the sound made him smile. "Are you still dating the weaslette?"

"Who? Ginny?"


"No, not anymore."

"Your decision? Or hers?" Draco noticed immediately that he hit another sore spot and inwardly cursed, "You don't have to answer."

"No, it's okay. I broke up with her originally before I left to go hunting for horcruxes but when I got back I just never tried to get back together with her. I feel kind of bad for not even talking to her about though." Harry watched Draco's face as he talked and loved the way he looked so focused on his words, he really liked this side of Draco.

"Can I ask why?"

"Erm-" Harry looked away from Draco and avoided his eyes. He really didn't want to bring up how he thought he might like guys, especially not before he was sure.

"You don't have to answer, your turn." Harry shot him a grateful look.

"Have you ever dated anyone other than Pansy?"

"Pansy? I never dated her."

"Really? But you went to the Yule Ball together."

"Is that what everyone thought? That I was dating her?" Draco asked laughing, "Nah, I never dated her, plus she likes girls. Er- don't tell anyone that though please, she'd skin me for telling you."

Harry laughed at Draco's look of panic, "Don't worry I wont. So you've never dated anyone at all?"

"Nope, not a single person."

"Have you ever liked anyone?"

"That's two questions, it's my turn golden boy."

"I wish you wouldn't call me that," Harry grumbled but Draco ignored him.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Harry went pink and Draco smirked, "So you do. Who is it?"

"Erm- no one,"

"How daft do you think I am? Who is it? Hmmm?" Draco leaned closer to him and Harry scooted closer to the headboard.

"Pass," Harry mumbled, avoiding Draco's gaze.

"That's not how the game works."

"That's how it works now, ask a different question."

"You're no fun, you know that?" Draco said, leaning back from Harry and resting on his hands.

"Says you." Draco stuck his tongue out at Harry, "Oh very mature of you."


The hour of punishment had ended a while ago but both boys had gotten too into the game to stop.

They both found themselves five hours later leaning against the headboard and each other laughing about something and sleepy.

"I still can't believe you snuck into the Slytherin common rooms with Polyjuice potion!" Draco laughed leaning further into Harry and laying his head on his shoulder. He'd rather die than admit that he was quite enjoying it though.

"Well we had to know if you were the heir!" Harry said scooting down a bit so Draco could get more comfortable on his shoulder. Draco scooted over a bit more and relaxed.

"Still can't believe you thought it was me," Draco said sleepily.

"Well you were in Slytherin and you're a pureblood and extremely annoying. We figured you were a great candidate."

"Wow, you offend me," Draco muttered and that was the last thing Harry remembered before he fell asleep feeling more content and safe than he had in awhile.


Harry woke to sunlight streaming in through the windows. He slowly opened his eyes to find blond hair and a warm body wrapped around him. Draco suddenly shifted closer to him and tightened his grasp around Harry's waist and he couldn't help the smile that crossed over his face. Harry shifted down a bit, as he was still slightly leaning on the headboard, to wrap his arms around Draco. Who cares if I'm not supposed to like him, Harry thought as Draco let out a contented sigh in his sleep, I can continue to dislike him in the morning.

Harry woke up about an hour later to a loud thud.

Draco had fallen off the bed in surprise at their position and Harry stared at him over the side of the bed and Draco stared back wide-eyed and stuttering.

"What- what happened last night stays between us okay!" Draco shouted in a panic and quickly got up and hurried off to the bathroom to hide his quickly reddening face.

Harry watched his retreating form from the bed and then realized he was still in Draco's bed and hurried to get up and start getting dressed. He was supposed to take a shower but he decided he'd just take one tonight because he didn't think he could handle seeing Draco again when he came out. He spelled his teeth clean and hurried out the door where he met Hermione and Ron.

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