Chapter 38: The Babington's

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Sidney and I pulled up in front of the Babington estate early the next morning. We rode through the night to get there quicker and slept as much as possible in the carriage. I woke many times, feeling nauseous from the bumpy carriage ride, but thankfully was able to push the queasiness away. Sidney awoke with every startle from me with absolute concern and fear on his face. I sort of regretted telling him about the baby now. If I had known we would be racing through the night to get to Esther, I would have waited.

We chose not to tell anyone about our sudden visit. I didn't want to upset anyone. Instead, we told them we had to attend to some urgent business matters and were planning a visit to the Babington Estate while we were there. No one seemed to question our reasoning.

"Good morning, sir," Sidney was greeted as he stepped out of the carriage.

"Good morning. Could you please let Lord Babington know Sidney and Charlotte Parker are here?"

"Of course," the servant bowed his head and headed back into the house. Sidney helped me out of the carriage with more care than usual. I had to suppress an eye roll.

"You don't have to be so careful, you know," I said. "I won't break merely because I'm with child."

"I'm not taking any chances," he teased. I shook my head and smiled up at him. Tucking my hand around his arm, we walked into the house together.

"Sidney, Charlotte," Babington greeted with great exuberance. "I'm so thankful you are here. I'm entirely at your mercy. Please tell me Esther will be alright. Will the baby be alright?"

"Can I see her?" I asked. I couldn't give him an answer without first seeing her. Quite frankly, I didn't think I was the right person to be giving an answer on the subject anyway.

"Don't you want to rest first?" Sidney asked.

"I'm perfectly fine," I said determinedly. "We came here to see Esther and that's exactly what I plan to do." Sidney relented and gave me a sharp bow of approval.

"Come with me," Lord Babington said, leading the way down a long hallway. He slowly opened the door to her bedroom. The curtains were shut tight blocking out all sunlight. The room was muggy even in the early morning hours and there was an unpleasant smell I couldn't place but made my stomach turn. Sidney and Lord Babington stood near the doorway while I walked past them and sat next to Esther. Her skin was pale and her face seemed thin, which was unusual for someone so far along in pregnancy. I reached for her hand and held it between mine. Even her hand was thin and cold at the touch.

Her eyes slowly opened. She could barely keep her eyes open long enough to focus on me and her breaths were labored. "Esther," I whispered. "It's Charlotte. How are you feeling?"

"Charlotte," she breathed. Her boney hand tightened around mine. "Please make it go away."

"I'll do everything I can to help you. I promise."

Within moments she rolled over and wretched into a bedside bucket. The smell hit me hard and I had to leave the room to prevent from being sick myself. I quickly bolted past Lord Babington and Sidney with my hand clasped against my face. Thankfully a servant came rushing in and helped Esther.

"How long has she been like this?" I asked.

"Weeks," Lord Babington answered. "In all truthness, the entire pregnancy has been difficult for her. I thought she was getting better, then it started up again." His face was desperate for answers. "Please, Charlotte. Is she going to be alright? I can't lose her."

"I'm not a doctor, nor am I a midwife. I can't rightly say," I answered.

"You're the most knowledgeable person we know when it comes to pregnancies. I need some sort of reassurance. Please! Anything you can offer for comfort," he begged.

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