Chapter 15: The Ball (Alison)

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"What were you thinking?" I shouted at Charlotte while walking back to Sanditon House. "Are you really spending time with him."

"I was only reading a book. That is all."

"He had his hands on you when I found you. Don't tell me you were only reading a book."

"I slipped on the rock. He simply caught me, so I didn't fall," she excused. I didn't believe her.

"Did you plan to meet him there? Was he expecting you? How long have you been secretly meeting with him?" I asked angrily.

"Nothing was planned, Alison. We simply ran into each other by accident."

"And you thought it a good idea to stay with him?"

"It wasn't like I could tell him to leave. I can't be rude to him," Charlotte yelled back. "Besides, people are different here in Sanditon. Things are more relaxed. People don't make sudden judgements and gossip just because they see two people sitting near each other."

"You could have left. Why did you stay?" I asked dreading her answer.

"You know why I stayed. I can't help it. Despite everything that's happened, I still love him."

I sighed and stopped her walking by grabbing her shoulders and turning her towards me. "Charlotte, he's going to ruin you. You have to remember he's married now. You have to stop letting him have this power over you. It's not healthy nor is it in your best interest to get involved in a scandal with a married man. What would mother and father say?"

Her head dropped and her eyes filled with tears. "I know it's wrong. You are right. I shouldn't be spending so much time with him. But even though he's married, I know he still cares about me."

"Regardless if he still cares about you and you still care about him, you have to look at the bigger picture. He's a married man. You have to keep your distance."

She took in a deep breath and raised her head to look at me. A single tear rolled down her cheek. "You're right. I'll put an end to it. I promise."

"It's going to be hard, but you'll find someone else someday. Perhaps you can find some good in Mr. Crowe and marry him."

Charlotte laughed and wiped her face with the back of her hand. I smiled and hugged her tightly before continuing our walk to Sanditon House.

I went with Charlotte to the building site so as to watch over her and make sure Mr. Parker didn't cause any more trouble. The building site held little interest for me, but it meant a lot to Charlotte. Hard work never bothered me, so I worked right alongside Charlotte and helped keep distance between her and Mr. Parker. He watched her and glanced her way many times during the day. I could tell Charlotte was doing everything in her power to ignore him, but she was struggling.

At the end of the day, after everyone else had left, Charlotte needed to talk with Mr. Robinson about some supplies being delivered soon. Lady Denham had placed all decisions in Charlotte's hands, so she alone took care of all the invoices for supplies, the payments being made, and how exactly things were to be done. I'd never seen her so strong and powerful, especially when it came to telling men what to do. Not one man seemed bothered by her administrative power over them. I found Charlotte impressive to say the least. I never knew she had such an eye for building and architecture.

"The Welsh slate should be arriving by the end of next week," she told Mr. Robinson. "When it arrives, we will need most of the men working on the roofs rather than the inside structures. I'm hoping we are all done with the inside of the buildings when it arrives."

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