Chapter 8: Alison and Georgiana

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I saw him. I know it was him. Why did Sidney Parker follow us to Sanditon? I didn't like it. I saw him watching Charlotte when we were at the building site then he ducked into one of the shops. When we walked by the shop, I looked again just to be sure and it was definitely him. Charlotte would be beside herself if she knew he was here. She was finally starting to seem normal again. Having a new project seemed to give her purpose. I needed to keep her away from Sidney Parker.

When we arrived back at the house and Charlotte told Lady Denham of the upcoming visit from Lady Worcester and The Prince Regent, she was overwhelmed with excitement.

"Didn't I tell you!" she said. "I knew you were the right person for the job. How wonderful. We have so much to do. Spare no expense. I want everything to be perfect for when they arrive. It'll be on the colder side. Oh, hopefully we don't have any dreary rain. I think it best for them to stay here during their visit. It is the best house in all of Sanditon. I'll need to plan a luncheon party in their honor. Charlotte, I'll need you to think of all the details. Perhaps we should have a ball as well. Write to Lady Worcester at once and find out what their intentions for their visit are. How long are they staying? What do they wish to do while here? We will need to make sure all the accommodations are prepared for their arrival."

"Yes, Lady Denham. I'll send a letter first thing in the morning."

"What will the terrace look like during their arrival? We can't possibly have it sitting in ruins during their visit."

"I've talked with Mr. Robinson. He is enquiring about some laborers to start the cleanup. I think once we get most of the burned wood out, we can salvage most of the apartments. I won't know for sure until we get started. We will need to hire a new stonemason. I can ask Mr. Robinson if he knows of any or if we should enquire in London. Alison and I plan to go in everyday to help with the process. We aren't afraid of a little hard work."

"Think of what it'll mean for our little town to have such a powerful man visit," she said dreamily. Charlotte and I smiled at each other watching her work herself up.

"Alison and I will take care of everything, Lady Denham," Charlotte offered. "Don't worry."

"You'll both need some appropriate attire for their visit. I can't have you looking like paupers when they arrive." Charlotte and I looked down at what we had on. I didn't quite understand. We definitely didn't have ball gowns on, but we weren't at a ball. Did she want us to dress like we were attending a ball the entire time they were visiting? "Go to the dress shop and have some new dresses made. Whatever you need, have it added to my account. Spare no expense to make yourselves look the part as my guests."

"That's very kind of you, Lady Denham. We don't want to overdo our welcome. Perhaps we could stay with Tom and Mary while the prince and Lady Susan visit?" Charlotte offered.

"Nonsense! Lady Worcester will be expecting to see you. I can't possibly kick you out when they arrive."

"Very well," Charlotte accepted. I was truly excited at the thought of buying new dresses like the ones Charlotte had brought home. Lady Denham was very kind to us.

Charlotte was exhausted after her busy day and retired to her room early, leaving me alone with Lady Denham. I had gotten a little more comfortable with her, but still felt it necessary to guard myself with her. I had played the piano for her all evening until my fingers were numb. Thankfully she finally gave me the freedom to stop as she said I was giving her a headache. I thought about returning to my room, but Lady Denham insisted I sit with her while she wrote letters of business.

"What are your thoughts of marriage, Miss Heywood?" she asked suddenly, distracting me from my reading. Lady Denham had given us access to her large library of books, which I was very grateful for. But I found it hard to focus on reading when Lady Denham was in the room.

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