Chapter 5: Leaving Willingden

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Georgiana had become quite infatuated with my younger siblings. They had her running through the fields and playing games with them leading up to the day we were to leave. Georgiana had never smiled and laughed so much playing with them. I was happy to see her spirits returned.

Alison and I were in the house with mother and father finishing up our packing while Georgiana had one last frolic through the grass with my younger siblings.

"Are you sure?" my father asked again.

I smiled. "Yes, father. It's where I belong." He nodded his head in understanding and continued to help me pack up the last few things. Mother was in the kitchen preparing lunch for us to take along on the trip.

I walked around my childhood home and looked at everything. I had a feeling this would be the last time I'd be here. Despite whether I was married off or Lady Denham kept me locked away in her dungeon for life, this home, this village, did nothing for me anymore. I didn't belong here any longer. My place was in Sanditon.

There was a jolting knock at the door startling all of us and breaking me from my thoughts.

"Who could that be?" my mother questioned. My father walked to the door while Alison and I watched from afar to see who was at the door.

"Forgive my intrusion, sir," the familiar voice at the door began. I took a couple steps towards to the door, wanting so badly to run, but stopped myself just within eye shot of Sidney. "I'm looking for..."

Our eyes met and Sidney Parker bolted past my father and rushed towards me. He stopped just a step away from me and took my hands in his. I was stricken with shock to see him standing before me that I couldn't even focus on the improper way he touched me and spoke to me in front of my parents. "Charlotte, please tell me she's here."

I couldn't speak to him at first. I almost thought he was a dream that I hadn't woken up from. "Mr. Parker," I said in no more than a whisper.

"Miss Heywood," he said letting go of my hands and addressing me more formally. I watched as he fisted his own hands turning his knuckles white. His senses must have come back to him. He dropped his head, maybe in embarrassment. "Forgive me. I'm looking Georgiana. Please tell me she has contacted you. I've learned Otis Molyneux joined the Navy. I don't believe she would follow after him. I'm not sure she's even still in contact with him. I fear the worst. She has not been in a good place as of late, nor have I. I regret I've neglected her needs, but to run away again for no apparent reason..."

"Mr. Parker," I said stopping his babbling. "Georgiana is not happy and fearful for her own safety around Mrs. Campion. Of course, she ran away. You have done nothing to protect her. Instead you have turned into a drunkard gambler, which is exactly what you were trying to protect her from with Otis. Now you say she has no reason to run away from you?"

I watched as his jawline tightened and his eyes narrowed. "Making assumptions again, Miss Heywood?"

I glared at him with steady fierceness. "It's not assumptions when multiple people speak the same truth." I glared at him a moment more, but felt guilty doing so as he looked entirely hurt by my statement. I didn't care that my family was witnessing our exchange. Staring up at him caused so much conflict in my heart. A part of me still loved him and wanted desperately to touch my lips to his, but another part of me felt the pain of rejection and betrayal. The biggest part of me detested him for what he had done or allowed to happen to Georgiana.

"What are you doing here?" Georgiana spat out from the doorway. Our trance broke and Sidney Parker turned towards Georgiana. I saw him let out a sigh of relief to see her standing in my home.

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