Chapter 26: The Prince Regent

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Alison and I stood with Lady Denham right outside of the house with the serving staff, waiting for the arrival on the Prince Regent and Lady Susan. Alison and I were dressed according to Lady Denham's standards. Our hair was up in extravagant hairdos with even more extravagant hats and what could only be described as ball gowns in satin. We looked as if we were heading off to a dance instead of greeting guests. Lady Denham looked exhausted after all she had done to prepare for their arrival. She had her serving staff working extra hard, but she had to oversee all they were doing to be sure it was to her standards.

"Here they come!" Alison shouted bouncing up and down once noticing the train of carriages and horses coming up the path.

"Stand still, Alison!" Lady Denham scolded.

"This is very exciting," Alison said. "I can hardly breathe."

"It's very promising for Sanditon," I added.

"Remember not to speak unless spoken to," Lady Denham reminded. "We definitely don't need the Prince Regent looking down on us because of two headstrong girls."

Alison and I gave each other a look of irritation. I didn't think Lady Denham even realized how her words were offensive.

Men riding horses rode up in front of the house first, followed by many carriages. The horses adorned in gold harnesses and bright red blankets. An open carriage pulled up in front of the house and I saw Lady Susan holding a parasol sitting next to the Prince Regent. She smiled elegantly towards us. She and the Prince Regent were helped out of the carriage. I wasn't sure what to think of the Prince Regent. He seemed rather stiff and displeased with being here. I almost got the impression he was looking down on us before he was even introduced to us. Sanditon was going to be a tough sale to him. Anxiety crept into my stomach.

"Charlotte, my dear," Lady Susan said, walking over to me and taking my hands in hers. "How I have missed you. I presume you are doing well?"

"Very well, thank you. We are all so pleased to have you visit us again. My sister, Alison is visiting with me." Lady Susan smiled at Alison who curtsied towards her.

"Lady Susan has talked of little more than of this Sanditon place. I decided I needed to see it for myself," the Prince Regent spoke from a few feet away.

"Allow me to introduce his Regency of all of England," Lady Susan introduced. Alison and I curtsied while Lady Denham stepped forward to curtsy and introduce herself as Lady Denham of Sanditon then introduce Alison and I as the Miss's Heywood.

"We are delighted to have you visit. Please make yourselves at home. My staff will see to your every need. We have plenty of rooms prepared," Lady Denham offered. "If there is anything you need during your stay, we will accommodate to the best of our ability."

"I think we would like to get settled in, perhaps have a little something to eat and have a light rest before going into town and having a look around. I'd also like to get caught up with Charlotte," Lady Susan declared.

"Of course." Lady Denham called her servants over. Their own personal servants began unpacking the bags and tending to the horses while Lady Denham's servants ushered them into the house. A few of the carriages held other high society people I wasn't familiar with but seemed to overlook us and follow servants into the house.

Alison and I followed them inside and into the drawing room where Lady Denham had tea with sandwiches, fruit, and biscuits set up. We sat down across from Lady Susan and the Prince Regent and listened to Lady Denham raddle on about the town, her own ventures, and how pleased she is to have such a visit in Sanditon.

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