Chapter 33: For The Sake of Sanditon

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Alison and I sat in the drawing room entirely stunned at the news. Neither of us could move or even remember to breathe at times. Tears were dried to our cheeks as neither of us had the strength to wipe them away. Servants rushed around the house while someone fetched the doctor to confirm Lady Denham's death. Edward Denham showed up in what seemed like minutes after the news, almost as if he was anticipating this happening. For the briefest of moments, the thought of him causing her death crossed my mind. I thought it entirely possible. He had spent a good amount of time in the house lately.

Lord and Lady Babington showed up later in the day. Esther ran towards me and we embraced in a sorrowful hug. Lady Denham and Esther didn't always get along, much like my relationship with Lady Denham, but Esther truly did care about her aunt and she was genuinely devastated. Unlike Edward who put on a show of hysterics. I rolled my eyes as he joined all of us in the drawing room pretending to wipe away fake tears. Mr. Crowe came into the room moments later, returning from London and more than likely hearing the news from in town. Alison burst into tears when she saw him. He rushed to her and held her tightly in his arms while she cried.

"What should we do now?" Esther asked. "Did she have any arrangements planned?"

"I suppose after her last brush with death, we should have thought about it further and made some sort of plan," Lord Babington said.

"She has a plan," Alison spoke, her head still buried in Mr. Crowe's chest. "She shared it with me weeks ago. I can get it." Alison released herself from Mr. Crowe's hold and walked slowly out of the room. I became all too aware of the time of day, coming to the realization I had missed the morning coach. I couldn't leave now that Lady Denham had died. How disrespectful I would be to do such a thing? I had to stay even if it meant I'd lose Sidney.

Mary and Tom were ushered into the room where they both hugged me then Alison when she walked back into the room.

"Why is everyone acting as if the Miss Heywoods just lost a loved one?" Edward asked hotly. "She's not related to either of them."

"Edward, stop being so insensitive!" Esther scolded.

Mary glared at Edward while sitting down next to me and holding my hands in hers for comfort.

"Do you know anything? Was she ill? How was she last night?" Tom asked. "Such a tragic discovery."

"The doctor is with her now," Lord Babington explained.

I took in a sharp breath remembering our conversation before she went to bed. I hadn't been kind, arguing yet again about Sidney. I was the last person who spoke to her. What if, in my haste to tell her what I discovered, I had inadvertently caused her death? New tears streamed down my face and I couldn't hold in the sobs any longer. Mary placed her arm around my shoulders to try and comfort me.

"Give it here!" Edward demanded of Alison. He ripped the papers from her hands and read what it said to himself. He hummed and shook his head then scoffed. Whatever it was Lady Denham wished for in a burial he was not happy about it. More than likely because now his fortune would have to be spent on giving his aunt a proper service. "This won't do. She wants far too much on her deathbed. I will not grant any of this."

"Who says it's your choice to make?" Esther asked.

"I'm the beneficiary of her estate. I get to make the final decisions. She's delusional, even in death, if she thinks I'm going to grant her requests."

Esther broke into more tears and buried her face in her hands. Lord Babington rubbed her shoulders to comfort her. "Whatever she wished for we will take care of, Lord Babington offered. "We wouldn't want you to spend any of your precious inheritance on someone you supposedly love dearly."

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