Chapter 27: Willingden Wedding

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Well before the sun was up, Crowe and I stood outside of Sanditon House dressed in our best, waiting for Charlotte and Alison so we could make the long trip to Willingden. The cold air was biting at our cheeks while we waited. Crowe bounced up and down to try and get warm.

"How long is this going to take?" Crowe complained.

"As long as necessary," I answered.

To our surprise, Lady Worcester emerged from the house wrapped in a long shawl around her shoulders. "I presume you both plan to have conversations with Mr. Heywood today?" she asked.

"I believe we do," I answered.

She smiled politely. "I wish you both luck then and will be praying for a favorable answer."

"Thank you," we both said in unison.

Moments later, Charlotte and Alison emerged from the house. They both had long pelisses on with proper hats on their heads and gloved hands.

Lady Worcester hugged them both, wishing them safe travels before we helped them into the carriage and headed out into the early morning hours. We had a long ride ahead of us. Thankfully, both girls sat on opposite sides from each other, so I was able to sit next to Charlotte rather than Crowe. I was sure they planned it that way.

The first couple of hours were rather quiet as all of us were still drowsy and wishing for just a little more sleep. Halfway through the trip, Alison fell asleep against Crowe's shoulder and shortly after he also fell asleep leaned up against her with his mouth hanging open. How I wished Charlotte would do the same, but she was far too engrossed with the surroundings outside of the carriage to sleep. She watched the sunrise and pointed out a group of deer running across a field and a flock of birds flying through the clouds. I indulged her every whim.

After what seemed like hours in the carriage, we started to get close as Charlotte started pointing out familiar landmarks. Alison and Crowe had now awoken and were looking out the window to see where we were.

Crowe's breathing was heavier, and his face was pale like he was about to be sick. "Do we need to stop for a moment?" I asked. I definitely didn't want him puking all over us before we got there.

"I'll be fine," he assured. "Just a bit nervous." Alison tucked her arm around his and leaned into him to reassure he would be fine. That little bit of connection seemed to calm him tremendously. He smiled at her affectionately and placed his hand on hers. "What do you suppose your family will think of both of you showing up with us?"

"I'm sure it will be quite the shock," Alison said. "To be honest, I never got around to write them and inform them we were coming after all. The last letter I got from mother, she understood why we couldn't make it, but I could tell from the way she wrote her words, she wasn't happy. I think they will be more excited to see us at all and not notice who we arrive with."

"They will notice," Charlotte added with a giggle. "Papa will surely question your purpose for coming."

"I'm sure it won't be hard to figure out," Crowe added.

"Is he an agreeable man?" I wondered.

"I suppose so," Charlotte said. "Although, neither of us have ever brought a man home to meet him. I'm not entirely sure how he will react. Hopefully he left his gun at home."

"Funny," I said as she giggled at her joke. I glanced over at Crowe who looked even worse now.

"Are you as nervous as Mr. Crowe is?" Charlotte asked of me.

"No," I said, taking her hand in mine and squeezing it. She looked away almost like she was disappointed. I leaned into her ear to whisper the truth only she could hear. "I'm terrified."

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