Chapter 3: London

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I downed another drink and watched with resentment from afar how my betrothed worked the room with such ease. This was my life now; balls, social gatherings, luncheon and dinner parties. I could easily pretend to be part of this world, but I never truly belonged. I was an outlier like Charlotte said. I was always going to be an outlier. Mrs. Campion had become a stranger and held my future in her hands. I had no choice but to engage myself to her after the threats of ruining not only my reputation, but that of Charlotte and Georgiana's as well. I wouldn't let that happen. My reputation was one thing, but she was not going to touch Charlotte. I wouldn't allow it.

I thought back to when I was forced to engage myself to her. I called on every connection I had to find the money to help my brother. I promised one thing after another in hopes someone would be willing to invest. Not one person was able to make that large of an investment though.

On the ride to London from Sanditon, I knew it may come to me asking Eliza for help. The way things were ended after the regatta, I truly didn't want to go to her. We did have a past and maybe she did feel bad for the way she betrayed me all those years ago. Perhaps she'd be willing to give me a loan for a time being. I went to her home filled with hope. Unfortunately, she didn't have any interest in helping out of kindness. She had an agenda. Turns out her reputation was at risk; how so, I do not know. People were beginning to talk. She needed to connect herself to someone fast to stop the rumors being spread. She threatened to not only ruin Sanditon, but also ruin the reputation of Georgiana and Charlotte from when Georgiana was kidnapped. Poor Charlotte was just trying to help. Being seen alone with me in a carriage rushing off towards Scotland after leaving the brothel would definitely ruin her good name. If I didn't agree to marry Eliza this is what hung over my head. I had no choice.

I took another drink from a tray and downed it in one gulp.

"Easy, man," Babington said patting me on the back. "How many have you had now?"

I grunted and placed the glass back on the tray and grabbed another. "I must admit, Sidney," Babington began. "I was quite surprised when I got your wedding announcement. I expected to see Charlotte's name, not Eliza's. I admit I've been a little out of touch as of late with my own marriage. May I ask what happened? Did Charlotte turn you down?"

"It's not important," I assured downing another drink and spilling a little on my jacket.

"Sidney, I beg you not to go through with this," Babington said. "You'll be making the biggest mistake of your life. Look how many times it took me to win over Esther. Don't give up on Charlotte after one rejection."

"What choice do I have?" I spit. "My brother will be in ruin as will his wife and children if I don't marry her."

"There's got to be something," he said. "You look miserable and you haven't even married her yet. You are going to kill yourself at this rate."

"At least I'll be out of my misery," I said patting him on the back. "Excuse me."

"Sidney Parker," Crowe shouted from across the room. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk in the other direction. "Sidney! I have someone I'd like you to meet."

I clenched my jaw and walked towards him with a fake smile on my face.

"This is Lord Grasmere. He visited Sanditon during the regatta and wanted to meet you," Crowe introduced.

I sighed heavily and faked another smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Lord Grasmere," I said politely.

"Sidney Parker. Are you in any relation to Diana and Arthur Parker?" he asked.

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