Chapter 17: Learning To Fight

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Before anyone was up, I rushed to the cove. A part of me regretted agreeing to teaching her how to fight. I knew, somehow it was bound to backfire on me. But another part of me looked forward to seeing her, to being close to her, to potentially being allowed to touch her even in the slightest way. With Eliza back in London and a start to her releasing me from the engagement, made me hopeful for a future with Charlotte. The only thing standing in my way was the debt Tom had incurred.

I arrived at the cove well before the sun came up. Perhaps in my anxious desire to see her, I came too early. I waited and watched the sun come up. I saw a group of deer run across the clifftops. I watched the waves crash against the shore and then retreat back into the ocean over and over again. I got impatient and started to pace the beach. I started to wonder if she was going to show at all.

Right when I was about to face defeat, I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I turned and saw Charlotte coming down the embankment with Alison following close behind. I had a moment of disappointment to see Alison but decided it would be best not to show my dissatisfaction to them. I forced a smile and walked over to meet them halfway.

"Good morning," I said bowing my head towards them.

"Mr. Parker," Charlotte greeted. Instead of glaring like she usually did, Alison seemed to be studying me. What she was looking for, I do not know. "I thought it best since Alison and I are both at the building site most days, she should learn some protection skills as well."

I nodded and looked down at my feet to once again hide my disappointment. "I couldn't agree more," I said. "You can both practice on each other."

I removed my jacket and placed it on a nearby rock while both girls removed their bonnets and gloves.

"You mentioned yesterday you wanted to know how to throw a punch. I'll teach you the basics of how to hit someone without hurting yourself too badly and perhaps a few other techniques if you're ever attacked by a scoundrel."

"I think it would be most helpful," Charlotte said.

"I suppose the first thing you should know is always try to hit them with the element of surprise. You'll have much more impact if they aren't expecting you to hit them." Both girls nodded their heads in understanding. "Let's start with your stance. You'll need to spread your feet apart. Line them up with your shoulders." Both of them followed my instructions, albeit a little nervously. Raise your hands to chest level and make a fist. Keep your elbows in close to your body and turn to your side just slightly." I instinctively reached out and corrected Charlotte's arms, knowing full well I shouldn't have, and Alison was probably going to shoot daggers at me. Charlotte didn't shy away from my touch and moved her elbow closer to her body. To my surprise Alison didn't glare at me, but just seemed to be studying me again. "Now visualize something out in front of you and swing your fist towards it."

Nervously, they both swung their arms out slowly and far too wide. They looked rather silly doing so. I rolled my eyes and started again. "Let's try something different. Which one of you want to go first?"

"I suppose I will," Charlotte said.

"Alright," I said. "Miss Heywood stand facing your sister and put your hands up by your face palms facing out." I directed Alison. "Now Charlotte... Miss Heywood, you'll face her and try to hit her hands with sharp, quick jabs of your fist. Watch what I do." I got in my stance and showed them a couple quick punches into the air just to give them an idea of what I meant. Charlotte nodded her head and got into position. With a deep breath she punched her sister's hand. Alison sort of stumbled backwards and her eyes went wild.

"I wasn't expecting such force," Alison said loudly. I hid my smirk but was quite proud of Charlotte.

"Try it again," I said. She did as I instructed and punched Alison's hands over and over. Alison had gotten wise to the force coming from Charlotte and made it a mission not to let her cause another stumble. I watched with a pleased expression as Charlotte practiced and the look of determination was on her face.

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