Part 28

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I woke up in my bed at the Mikaelson house. "Nik." He walked in, "hey sis." "hey. What happened?" "Your tribrid took over and tried to make you kill yourself." I nodded. Nik helped me downstairs and I saw my soulmates. "How you feeling?" "I don't know." They nodded and I was eating. "We want to come back to the tower so we can keep an eye on you." "Sure, I think me and Tony need to talk." Nik came over and grabbed my shoulder. "I am sorry." "No, it not your fault. It was mine. I tried to push everyone away as I knew the tribrid was coming through." He hugged me, "I am sorry brother." "It going to be alright sis." 

I went upstairs and got changed. Steve and the rest looked at me once I was down. "You going to be OK while we go and do things." "Sure. These won't say a word." "When we leave in the jet you get out of here before we change our mind." They nodded. I hugged them and Left with Tony and the rest. We got to the tower and everyone went to do their own thing. Everyone went their separate ways. I stayed with Tony.

We talked it over. We spent time together and a few years passed. We were jogging when we were interrupted by Stephen. "Emily." I hugged him, "I have missed you." "I know." We followed him and saw Bruce. He was telling us. "So, what you staying Stephen has the time stone and Thanos wants me due to my powers." "Yeah." we walked out the building. "It been a while since I used my powers." "I know but We will get through this." I nodded and saw the ship. "Bruce, we need the green guys." "I am trying." I went over and wiped in Bruce's ear the Hulk came through. "Hello hulk." "Hello Emily, Long time." "It has but I am OK. Look." 

He placed a hand on my face. Hulk smiled. I turned around. "Protect Stephen, Hulk and Wong." Peter came over, "I sense danger." "get catch on and weren't you on a field work trip." "maybe." I sighed and pressed my necklace. My suit appeared. "You suit is upgraded?" "I had help." "It looks similar to Stark's." "No, her one is better than mine." We started to fight. Me and Stephen were taken up by the beam. We were freed. We all went to the planet it was destinated for." Guardians of Galaxy arrived and they help us. 

Meanwhile in Wakanda, I sent a message to Wanda and Vision. "Thanos Is after the mind stone. We need to destroy it." "How is Emily holding up?" "She said shut up and fight." "Hasn't changed." Stephen got injured and there was one outcome. I knew the outcome. Thanos got through our hands. He took the time stone. I went over to Tony and suddenly I looked up. "STEPHEN, PETER!" "I don't feel too good." They turned to dust. I looked at Nebula and sent her back to the compound. I was with Tony. "Come." We entered the ship and I started to fly it. I must be in the back because he was talking in his helmet.  

I came back after he finished. He rested his head on my lap. "I got you." "I am sorry." "No, don't be. You will make it up to me." He smiled and fell asleep. I saw Carol, I talked to her and she helped us back. We landed and I lifted Tony's arms around my shoulder and walked to the others. They took Tony for medical care. While my soulmates who survived hugged me. "We have missed you." "Same." We went to the compound and Bruce wheeled Tony out in a chair. He tried to get out when he saw me. "You stay." He reluctantly sat down. We all talk. Tony went to take his arc reactor out. "Oh no, you don't." I used my magic against him until he gave up. I fell to my knees and they helped me up. "You need to take it easier." "I will. When you all take a break. There isn't anything we can do at the moment. We just got to carry on."

They all agreed, "and I think you need to sleep. We are going home." "How did you?" "Teleportation baby." I said bye and I got Tony home. Within those 5 years, Me and Tony got Married, we have a daughter Morgan. The others came to visit and we stepped out. "Why don't you help Mum, Morgan." "Come baby girl." I took her and we went in. "When did Emily get pregnant?" "a week after the wedding." "Emily has told Morgan about all of you even the ones not being here." "She told her we are her mum and dad's too?" "Yeah." Tony denied their offer and they all left. Morgan and Tony were up so, they had juice and Tony came down.  

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