part 5

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“Sis, I can’t take...” “Shut up.” I put it on, “Just remember I am here for you.” I wiped his eyes and kissed his cheek. I followed Agent Coulsdon to the small jet and we flew Helicarrier. They handed me a file. Coulsdon was explaining it. “I see. How long until we land?” “Not long then we can give your gear and test your abilities.” “Good because I would like to start this case.” The jet stopped and Nick met me. “Glad you can join us Agent Mikaelson.” “Glad to be here sir.” I changed into my gear and we ran the test. He showed me to my office. Nick came and knocked and gave me a gun and looked at me. “Passed with flying colours.” “Thanks.” He sat with me and we catched up. 

Agent Hill knocked on my door, “come in.” “Sir, Agent.” “What do you need Agent Hill.” “Agent Mikaelson I have a lead on your case.” “Show the way.” We followed Agent Hill to the briefing room when we were interrupted by Agent Coulsdon. “It better be important.” “Agent Barton and Romanoff is here.” “I am coming. Coulsdon get the jet ready for Agent Mikaelson she has a lead to follow and it the best we got so far.” “Yes Sir.” Me, Hill and Fury all walked to the main area of shield and talked until 2 Agents came over. I felt a tingling sensation. “If you excuse me, I have a mission to complete.” “Good Luck Agent Mikaelson and get in contact with me soon.” “Yes sir, Agents.”

I walked off to get my gear and made my way to the jet. “Fury who is that?” “A friend and recruit for me. She knows how it works and I know what she came do. Agent Mikaelson is important to SHIELD and she will need protecting in the future.” “Sir, why is doing a mission alone.” “Agent Barton, she has more skills as she been around for a while and I’ve helped trained her so she will be fine. You can go, there no missions.” They walked off, “did you feel that?” “Yeah but it can’t be.” “Well at least we can look into her.” They made their way back to the Avengers tower.
They walked in and sat down on the sofa. “Why are you two back?” “No mission and we did witness something those.” Barton stood up, “Fury is back from his trip and there is a New Agent working for him.” “Do you have a name?” “Agent Mikaelson.” Natasha brought my file up and they looked but then some bits of the profile was classified like soulmates and date of birth. “That is strange why is her profile have classified information.” “She is a friend of Fury personally. He knows something so does Coulsdon and Hill but they have been told not to say anything.” Natasha looked at them, “Possibility she might be our soulmate.” “How?” “Me and Clint mark start to tingle.” “She does like her tattoos as well. She 5 in total. 2 on the left and right shoulder then 1 on the neck.” “We need to meet her.” “Stark feel like a party is about good to do some entertainment.” “Definitely cap.”

I landed and started to complete the mission. I rung Fury, “Sir.” “Agent?” “It is done. I am sending them over now.” “Good, I will see you soon.” I sent the information and details to Agent Hill then I started to have people try and attack me. I sent Fury an Alert. Back on the Helicarrier, “Agent Hill.” “Yes sir?” “Call Agent Romanoff and Barton now and tell them they have a mission. Tell them I will brief them on the jet.” She did what they said. Back at the tower, Hill opened communication with the team. “Agent Romanoff, Barton you have a Mission and it is in high important. I will let Fury explain.” They ran to grab their gear then got on the jet. Fury briefed them. I woke up in an empty room with me tied to a chair. “Knew it was too good to be true.” The door opened, “You are awake. Good.”

They started to interrogate me but I didn’t answer. I got a cut lip and badly bruise rib. Next moment Agent Romanoff and Barton took them out. “Nice to see you again.” “Same but wish it was under different circumstances.” They helped me walked to the jet then we got back to the Helicarrier. Nick came over, “you good?” “Yeah.” I checked the bruise rib. “Nothing, I can’t fix.” “I know but here.” I took the drink and had some. I gave it back, “good thing you know.” “Well, your brothers and sister will kill me if you were hurt.” “You know her family?” “Yep, they can be overbearing.” I looked at him, “I don’t think that is the right word. Now excuse me, I have to phone the idiots. They left me a message.” I gave Agent Barton and Romanoff my number. “I will see you around Natasha, Clint. We can talk but no one else yet.”

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