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Satsuki sat on the veranda, looking over to the field where the Wind Pillar still consecutively beating down the other demon hunters and truly she felt so sick right now.No,not in that way but literally-she feel like throwing up and her head feel so light. She thinks it is the result for skipping breakfast and head for training straight away.
It wasn't long until she notice someone approaching from behind with his faint steps,another particular smell wafted into her nostrils. She looks over her shoulder just to meet a tall figure who already avoided eye contact but yet still coming closer 'till he came to a stop,

"Genya? what is it?" she blinks, noticing how he is fidgeting on something in his hands

"Uhh..well,i noticed that you uh..looking rather blue." the feral-looking man admitted, keeping his gaze trained on his feet making it seems like they are more interesting to look at than her face

Blue? does he mean my face or..?

"Oh,you noticed? you can say i'm pretty bummed how i still can't knock Sanemi ou—"

"No no,i dont mean that!" he spluttered, "You look sick."

She blinks once,before the corner of her mouth lift up to a smirk, "Thanks."

Genya tipped his chin up and shoot her a look,confused whether she really doesn't know what he meant but when the next thing she burst out laughing,he heaves out a relief sigh

"I'm just pulling your leg,come sit with me."

He is reluctant at first when Satsuki patted the spot beside her but comply anyway,settling himself down and let his feet hung on the veranda like hers

"I guess you noticed,huh? that obvious?" she chuckles,already looking at the ointment in his hand

Genya nodded shamely,handing it to her with a sheepish smile, "You look pale when i saw you at the courtyard this morning,it's like you're about to passed out."

Satsuki opens the cap,the minty herb balm hits her nose stronger,so this is the other smell she has been smelling on him. Instantly she can feel her body relaxed, inhaling deep breaths as she hovers the tip right under her nose,it's calming, dissipating the nauseating sensation in her guts. She breathe out a soft smile, turning to him,

"Thanks a lot Genya, i owe you one."

The tall boy blushes,tearing his gaze away from her pretty features and apparently she is too busy drowning herself in the herb ointment to hear the loud beating of his heart.

"H-how's the training..with aniki?"

"Aniki....Ah! As always he never go easy on me." She scowl at the memories,nothing but beating down session and multiple curses thrown at her,it's like a one package of the Wind Pillar's training.

"But i guess it wasn't that bad. I realise he is starting to be more clear about his teaching,he can't put them into words properly but when he starts to attack you—it's like he's giving lots of hints on how you should react,to retaliate his movements."

Genya couldn't help but to smile,it's like the flower in his amazement of his older brother blooms endlessly, his admiration for his strong sibling,someone he looks up to.
But then his face fell slowly,his lips curve down to a sulk. If only he understood earlier,if only he listens.That way, their relationship won't be a disaster such as now.

Subconsciously he sighs,not noticing the brunette already examining his profile as well as smelling his sadness and anger.

"What's wrong?"

He jolted in surprise, did he...spoke his mind out loud?


"You're rather suck at lying though we've just known each other," she chuckles, "So what's wrong? i can tell something's bothering you. You're too sad to hide it,i can smell 'em."

𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝 | 𝐤𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐲𝐚𝐢𝐛𝐚Where stories live. Discover now