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Satsuki stood before the door according to her smell,it led her here and now that she recalls it vaguely this is the paths she took whenever she visited the boys' quarter.

But before she can knock,the door burst open inwardly revealing the face she had wanted to see though she can barely make out last time she saw him because the last time she first can see was during—




The boys greeted in a sync, surprising her with their loudness.

"I thought i smelt you and i was right!" Tanjirou grin who was the one opened the door,taking a good look on him clearly now.

The mark where she remembered touching them was right on the side of his forehead near the temple; his doe eyes are a pair of contrast burgundy that matches with the colour of his hair that is slicked back,the said hanafuda earrings.

So this is Tanjirou..

"Woah,Satsuki-chan! Look at your eyes!" Zenitsu flew instantly from the bed to right in front of her,shoving the other boy aside to admire her eyes.
  Now,even Inosuke rush to their sides,the three males staring intently up to her face until Tanjirou who got the sense of her uncomfortness drags the two back by their collars,

"Hey! not so close!"

"Said the guy who smelt her!" retaliated Zenitsu,making the other one can only pursued his lips tight,unable to retort back.

"Uhm ..." now that she can see their faces, it somehow turned a lot whole awkward and strange for her.

"Why don't you sit down,Satsuki-chan? you must be tired!" Zenitsu pats on the edge of his bed,the blonde unceasingly beams at her and what amuse her was the shape of his hair.

"What the hell are you talking about? she just got here! how the heck can she be tired already!?"

"None of your concern,Inosuke!"

When Satsuki's eyes traveled to the Hashibira boy, she blinks a few times to make sure it is him,and not a her.
  Well,how can a man look so flawless with whiter skin than her does? eyelashes sinfully long to decorate his pair of bright emerald eyes now glaring at her,

"What're you looking at!? you don't like my face,is that it!?"

"A-ah no but...Inosuke..you are really pretty." she pointed out without her conscience and the whole room went quiet.

"HA HA HA DID YOU HEAR THAT PIG BRAIN? HA HA HA!" boomed Zenitsu's laughter,doubling over as he did.
  Irk marks appearing on the blue boy's head,grinding his teeth,


"W-WOAH,EASY INOSUKE!" Tanjirou quickly wrap his strong arms around his legs to prevent him to tackle the girl down

Even if it is just a little bit, it lifted her spirit up when she was dreadfully down these past few days just by watching the trio again and this time,with her own naked eyes.
  But then her golden eyes shifted to the burgundy-haired boy who is still busy holding Inosuke down, when she heard his voice,sees him, it clenches the pain in her heart because after all, Tanjirou reminds her of Kyōjurō and the fact itself is unbearable that it is hard to look nor even talk to him right now.

The small glass bottle in within her clasp tightens, let's just get this over with fast.

The small glass bottle in within her clasp tightens, let's just get this over with fast

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