Chapter 6

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I wanna thank the following authors for inspiring me to make this fic:
*clears throat*
I loved both of your matrix fics and I thank both of you for inspiring to make this fic

6 days later...

Patience's pov
I've been on this ship for 6 days now:I've trained,I've eaten the goop,I've been in the matrix sometimes,and I've gotten to know some of the crew i sat in my room I was staring at the ceiling when the ship began to move,I fell off my bed and on my face.i immediately stood up,"what the-"I ran out of my room and saw the claw we had was picking someone up.the claw dropped them onto the metal floor,I gasped.i immediately grabbed a blanket and helped the person up,Morpheus and everyone else was there as Glitch and Apac helped me help the person up Morpheus said,"welcome Neo."he must be talking to the guy.he closed his eyes,Switch and Apec took him to a room.without anyone noticing,I followed them.i hid under a table as Morpheus and Trinity talked,I stared at what was happening.

I don't know why but It felt like I knew Neo my whole life,when Trinity and Morpheus left the room I slowly stood up from my hiding place and walked towards Neo's body,they put a lot of needles on him."he has much to learn."I thought,I sighed.i walked out of the room and went to my room,I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Tomorrow is another day

Patience Anderson{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now