Chapter 2

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Patience's pov
Morpheus led me out of the apartment and to a car,as I got in an buckled up I realized a woman was sitting next to me."Hello."I decided to greet me.she looked at me,"hi."she said.i dunno why but she seemed so....familiar to me,almost as if I've known her all of my life.She held out two pills,"Listen to me carefully:we don't have much time so I will make this quick.If you take the red pill,you'll know much more than what you know now.if you take the blue pill,we turn around and take you back to the Oracle."she explained to me as I looked at the pills.i immediately reached out for the red pill,she slightly pulled back a bit."remember:there's no turning back if you take this pill."she warned me,I gently grabbed the red pill.Caesar handed me a open bottle of water as I put the red pill in my mouth,as I drank the water I swallowed the red pill.

My whole world was about to change

I was led into a building,up the stairs,and into a room full of 4 people.Morpheus led me to a chair,I slowly sat down on the lady that gave me the red pill put wires on me I looked at her,"is this gonna hurt?"I asked.she looked at me,it seemed she didn't have an answer.she looked at Morpheus,he nodded."no,you'll be fine."she said,it didn't sound very comforting though.i tried my best to relax,I looked to my right and saw a cracked mirror.i stared at it in awe as I noticed it fixed itself,I don't know why but I really wanted to touch it.i slowly put my fingers on it,when I pulled back it was on my fingers."what's happening?"I asked nervously,it started to encase my hand and go up my arm.

I started to freak out a bit,"Now Tank!now!"Morpheus said on a phone.i arched my back and screamed in pain,everything was dark after that.I woke up seconds later in a pod filled with water,I broke the surface and stood up.I realized that I was naked,not only that,but my hair was gone.and to top it all off,there was like countless wires attached to my body.i pulled a long tube out of my mouth,I gagged and spitted.i tried to move but the wires attached to me prevented me from doing that,I slightly stood up a bit and saw rows and rows of countless pods like looks just like the one I was in.

I felt so scared,where are Morpheus and the lady?i screamed when a large robot appeared in front of me,shining a bright light on my face.a robotic claw unhinged me from the wires,I felt them popped out the ports on my skin,it hurt a lot.then the pod I was sitting in began to drain,the slimy water pooled at the bottom.suddenly,I'm whisked away down a tube.i was beyond terrified,I was shot out of the long tube and plummeted into water."help!"I cried out as I splashed around,I can't swim!i felt myself sinking down,suddenly:I felt a large claw lifting me up.

Patience Anderson{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now