039- "Bushy Brow's Jealousy: Lions Barrage Unleashed!"

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The pain was on his shoulder struck again, he clenched his fists.

"You shouldn't continue the match..." Y/n warned.

"I-I'm fine."

"Sure sounds like you trying to convince yourself," her eyes narrowed.

He scoffed.

"The first battle, Sasuke vs. Yoroi," Hayate announced.

This sure hurts more then it felt when he place the mark on me.

"Hm, it appears the curse mark is causing him trouble," Yoroi chuckled to himself.

Damn, this pain just won't go away.

"Don't use your Sharingan," Kakashi warned.

"Hmph. So you knew." Sasuke startled then smirked.

"If that Curse mark on your neck gets outta control, it could endanger your life."

"I believe it."

"Well, the match will be called off at that time. I'll be coming to stop it, so good luck," he walked off.

Called off?!

Sasuke was in a bad position to begin with. His fear of the match being canceled foresighted what he was needing to do.

"Now then, please begin."

Yoroi rushes towards Sasuke without hesitation. At the same time, Yoroi's chakra absorption gives him the upper hand in taijutsu which is Sasuke's only option to use in the battle.

"Sasuke..." Y/n gripped the railing. "This isn't looking so good."

Sakura was quiet, yet her face expression was clear she was scared for him.

"Sasuke!" Naruto called out in frustration. "You call yourself a Uchiha with that?!"

His eyes bored into him.

"Don't be looking so lame! Give your best!"

Y/n nodded. "Yes, come on Sasuke!"

Ugh those two...wait that guy.

He notice Rock Lee watching him in the crowd by Y/n and Naruto.

"Wait...that's it!"

Thinking of Sasuke being inattentive, Yoroi rushes to attack him again. Sasuke dodging the attacks, then quickly moved.

"Huh? He vanished!" Yoroi says shocked.

He then appears landing a kick, sending him in the air. He attempted to use a jutsu, but was quickly countered by the Curse Seal, which began flowing through his body again.

The cursed seal paralyses him and causes intense pain whenever he attempts to mould chakra, thus he cannot use genjutsu nor ninjutsu.

"Please..." Y/n gritted her teeth.

"Get off me!"

"This isn't you," she cried.

"Sasuke!" Y/n shouted, his attention now focus on her at the moment.

"Please, stop!" She begged, tears filling her eyes.

He remembered the look in her eyes, the pain he was in, Naruto's insults.

"To think they'd be worried about me..."

"This is it huh?" Kakashi sighed, thinking he had to end the battle, but to shock them the curse mark had—

"—Receded? How is that possible?"

He smirked. Sasuke then used his new move: the Lion Combo, demonstrating his control over the cursed seal in the process.

The crowd waiting for one of them to stand up, Yoroi wasn't getting up anytime soon.

As silence crept, and eager faces waited, two feet moved, slowly stumbling back.

"Sasuke-kun.." Sakura was excited, but still unsure.

He looked up, wiping the blood from him lip

"I'm stopping the match from going any further...due to Yoroi's state his in. Therefore, the winner of the first battle, Sasuke Uchiha..." Hayate announced.

"Those movements were Might Guy's, he must've use that sharingan to copy his taijutsu when he wrangled that one time with that Lee kid..." Kakashi thought to himself.

"Sasuke! Y-You won in a lame way!" Naruto chuckled.

"Shut up!" Sakura punched him in his stomach.


"Man, that loser.." Sasuke sighed.

"Look at you all battered up! Your such a idiot..." Y/n groaned.

He smiled.

Sasuke-kun...thank goodness.

Sakura sighed in relief, before smiling.

"Okay I'll win too!" Naruto promised to himself.

Lee...because of you, I've managed to save my neck. Things would've gotten worse if I hadn't seen your technique in close-quarter combat.

Pain struck him again.

"It isn't something I can use heavily..." he says referring to his pain afterwards.

"I see, so that's your technique. You copy my move with that Sharingan. Sasuke...your quite a person. You get rapidly stronger...I feel a bit of fear." Lee glared at him.

Might Guy noticed Lee expression, Sasuke reminded him of Kakashi when he was younger, giving him a impressionable look at how he used it as a final move.

What's most feared... is the Uchiha ability.

Kakashi takes him to an isolated location to hinder the cursed seal, Sealing the curse mark, and explaining how he has to manage the curse mark for now on made Sasuke uneasy.

After it was completed, they were only to be confronted by a old friend.

"Long time no see, Kakashi."



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