058- "Hosptial Besieged: The Evil Hand Revealed!"

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The sound of aggressive knocking had startled Temari and Kankuro. 

They open to door to see no other than Baki, with angry expression on his face.

"What's all the noise at this hour?" Kankuro groaned.

"Idiots! I told you not to let Gaara out of your sight, didn't I?" He yelled.

Temari and Kankuro looked at each other and rushed to Gaara's room. They stood at the doorway surprised to find him missing.

"Could Gaara have...?" Fear crossed her face.

"Where the hell did he go?" Terror overtook his. 

Baki walked in and stopped at the window staring from a far. "I hope nothing bad happens, but..." he muttered.


Shikamaru and Y/n enter Naruto's room and sat down. He had promise Y/n he'd come with to see Naruto. They brought him a fruit basket, originally for Choji who's hospitalized for food indigestion.

"Wow, he's sound asleep...I wonder if he's dead?" Shikamaru whispered.

She elbowed him in the stomach, "Don't say that," she whispered back.

"I was joking," he laughed now holding his side where she elbowed him at.

"You're turn to watch him, I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom," Y/n stretches out her seat and closes the door.

Shikamaru sighed and nodded.


Meanwhile, Sakura was searching through flowers at the flower shop in town.

"If that's for Sasuke, he's not back yet," Ino smiled.

"Ino..." she muttered.

She pulled at her index finger and began waving it, "I'm way ahead of you on Sasuke information. Missed your chance on that one, eh, Billboard Brow?" Her smile widened.

"No! This is for Lee!" Sakura explained.

"Huh?" Ino smile slipped.

"The one from before should be wilted by now too..." she trailed off.


Sakura remembered when Lee outside the other day when he collapse from straining himself to do push-ups.

"Lee! Stop it!" The Nurse cried out.

"191...Don't touch me! I'm...not...done yet..." he growled, forcefully straining himself to continue.

"Here," Ino handed Sakura back the flowers she has just bought.

"Thank you."

"I hope Lee's better," Ino smiled.

Sakura nodded and gave a close eyed smile, "Yeah, me too."


"Huh? Oh man the hourglass is all clogged up, What a drag."

"Hey, any signs of him waking up?" Y/n asked as she walked back into the room.

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