020- "A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!"

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After completing their mission in the Land of Waves, Team 7 returns to Konohagakure. Although Sasuke saved Naruto's life their teamwork seems to have got even worse than before with Naruto intent on beating Sasuke causing him to mess up on subsequent missions. Kakashi decides that their teamwork is too off that day and sends them all home.

They all walked home. Before leaving Sasuke tells Naruto in a matter-of-fact manner to simply get stronger than him before telling Sakura who had suggested that the two work of their own teamwork skills, that she was worse than Naruto. And then tells Y/n that she should work on protecting herself more then others.

Y/n believes it's a good trait, she should reconsider it, but he was right.

She kinda blush at the fact he was referring from the Land of Waves, as she was so caught up in protecting him and Naruto.

"I'm worst then Naruto," Sakura whined. And continued to walk home. Y/n walked with Naruto.

"I don't care what Sasuke says, he was saying thank you, and I'm proud of us, for our first mission nobody died," Y/n smiled.

"Yeah your right, but I really want some ramen," Naruto stomach growls, and then hers.

"Me too," She laughed.

As they continued walking they notice boxes behind them. Y/b turned around to see Konohamaru, but two other kids, she smiled. She did kinda miss that knuckle head.

He approached them, but bumped into some Foreign Ninja. They didn't look like they were from here.

"Watch it brat," he says.

"Do you know who your talking to, I'm Konohamaru-"

"I will kill you, so get out of my face," he says.

Y/n didn't like his tone.

"Hey don't talk to him like that," Y/n stand in front of Konohamaru. He chuckled and grabbed her. Naruto attempts to attack and assist her, but tripped by his invisible attack. Just as the mysterious ninja was gonna hit her and Konohamaru, someone jumps out the tree.

Sasuke forced the ninja to drop Konohamaru and her. As he hit the ninja with a sharp pebble. Then the mysterious ninja is about to attack Sasuke.

"Stop playing around with little kids," another ninja says. It must be his friend.

Meanwhile, all the jōnin are gathered along with the Third Hokage. He announces that the chūnin exams will take place in seven days on July 1.


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