05- You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision

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Kakashi evades Sasuke's attack with the Substitute Technique. After blowing his position, Sasuke moves out to avoid being found by Kakashi. A worried Sakura runs off to find Sasuke, only to be caught by Kakashi's genjutsu that made her believe she found a very injured Sasuke. This caused her to scream and faint. Once confronted by Kakashi, Sasuke forces Kakashi to stop reading Icha Icha and use both hands to defend against his string of taijutsu attacks. Sasuke then launches a giant fireball at Kakashi. The jōnin manages to avoid it by burring underground, before dragging Sasuke down, leaving only his head to be seen.

Naruto manages to free himself from the tree he was hanging from and spots the food for lunch. Before he can try to snag a bite, Kakashi appears and ties him to a tree post. Y/n looked over and laughed. Gaining her strength and headed back after Kakashi. Elsewhere, Sakura wakes up and goes to look for Sasuke, whom she still believed was injured. She finds him buried from the neck down and comes to the conclusion that he was decapitated, before fainting again. Sasuke manages to free himself with Y/n helping him get out. and is there to see Sakura awaken, who is relieved to see he is unharmed. Despite time running out, Sasuke is still set on getting a bell, informing Sakura that he came close to doing so. Knowing that she couldn't get a bell and didn't want to be separated from Sasuke, Sakura tries to convince Y/n to give up and try next year. Sasuke dismisses the idea, explaining that he is an avenger and doesn't need any setbacks and we need her on his team for his purposes. Y/n blush and then took it in concern. Sakura Just gave another evil stare at Y/n. Y/n walks and falls straight into a trap, and is tied on a post. Before they know it, time is up.

Afterwards, Kakashi meets with the four genin, who tells them that he won't be sending them back to the Academy. The four share in the happy news until Kakashi goes on to say that they will be dropped from being a ninja permanently.

"Wait what?!"

Naruto was outrage at this.

"Why!?," Naruto questioned.

"You guys don't think like ninja, thinking more like "little kids" and "brats"," Kakashi Sensei explained.

"This isn't fair," Y/n pouted.

Sasuke charges at Kakashi, but is easily restrained. Kakashi further explains that team-work was the key in retrieving a bell.

He then took them to Konoha's Memorial Stone. Explaining about being a ninja. And how they risk there lives for this village, and how it should be taken more seriously.

Kakashi decides to give them another chance. Kakashi Sensei tells Sasuke and Sakura to eat and replenish their energy. However, since Naruto broke the rules and tried to eat before the test was complete, and Y/n help contribute by watching him do it and didn't stop him, we were forced to watch. Furthermore, if either, Sasuke or Sakura feed them, they will immediately fail.

After Kakashi leaves, Sasuke and Sakura begin eating their food, while their stomachs growl of hunger.

"Ugh, this really sucks.." Y/n stared off to the sky, trying to escape the beaming sun.

Sasuke decided to feed Y/n, as he notice her stomach was growling.

"What? But, we can get in trouble Sasuke," Y/n wide-eyed him in shock.

"We need to restrieve the bells. And we need everyone at good strength, so eat." He puts it in my face, avoiding eye contact with her.

Sakura hesitates, but decides to share her food as well with Naruto.

"Thank you," They smiled. Then Kakashi suddenly appears.

"AHHH!" They all scream. They threw the food in the trees startled.

"Your gonna get punish for not following orders," he says angrily.

Naruto decided he speak his mind, You wanted us to think like ninja and we did.

"We're a team, and we band together, and stay together," He stated and they all agreed.

"So, if it was wrong to look after each other, then I guess we failed," Y/n added.

"You Pass! Kakashi Sensei closed his eye and smiled. Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandoned their friends are even worse than scum. Your the only teams who abide by my orders," he says.

Guess who's making history.


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