062- "A Failure's True Power."

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As the fight progresses, Naruto and Neji argue about the outcome of their match fate being predetermined.

Soon after, Neji wasted no time striking down Naruto with several hits.

"Proctor...it's over."


"Don't run away," Naruto stumbled back up on his feet, using every inch of strength in his body. "I won't ever...run...I'll stand by my own words...That's my Ninja way!" He declared.

He remember those words coming from Hinata and chuckled, "I think I heard those lines before..." he smirked.

"You with your destiny bullshit...I won't lose to a jerk right cold feet like you, no matter what!"

Naruto...You still have that determine look on your face. Y/n watched from the railing, shocked ever, more relieved to say the most. I admire that so much, it pains me not to stand by your side as you fight for Hinata.

"Y/n...she must really do like him. She looks at him the same way I look at Sasuke," Sakura whispered to herself.


"A brat who knows nothing shouldn't lecture arrogantly! People are born burdened with sn inherent destiny that cannot he defy. You can't possibly understand the destiny of being burdened with a mark that cannot be wiped off for life!" He yelled.

Naruto then remembered how he was shamed and judged upon by everyone in the village. Weilding a curse mark he didn't ask for his whole life, being linked to a tailed beast that slaughtered many. All he ever did was cry, and wonder why he had to live life alone.

"That's when your wrong, I do understand. So...what if it?" He forced a smile.

"You little..." Neji gritted.

"Don't be trying to act cool, Y/n was also...suffering same as you! She was just like me, forced to be alone because she was different from the rest. Shunned and abused for something she couldn't control. And Hinata, even though she's the head family, not being acknowledged as such...trying desperately to change herself for everyone else...She fought you while bleeding from your hands remember that!"

Naruto suddenly began coughing.

He doesn't look to good. Sakura walked over by Y/n's side.

Neji grinned. Naruto's sixty-four Chakra points were now shut down. "How are you, who can't sue Chakra for awhile, planning to fight?"

"Oh would you shut up already!" He groaned.
His right though, I can't feel my Chakra anymore like when I used it up in training.

That's when he remembered what Jiraiya had said. He possessed two kinds of Chakra. He can extract and utilized it at anytime.

All right here goes nothing. He closed his eyes until he reached the state of mind to visibly be see his own chakra. Stinking fox...help me out!

A sudden thump in his body was followed with a wave of pumping red Chakra through his veins slowly.

"I won't talk anymore...Proctor...I'm going to fight him with intent to kill him," Neji says. "If your going to stop me, please feel free."

He looked over to see Naruto performing a seal. "Tch. Didn't I tell you that's pointless?"

This time I really can't lose. "I decide my own fate. I don't know who told you that sorry excuse for not wanted to accept what happen to you, but don't put that on me, where not the same." Naruto gains some strength and stood against Neji.

"Now I'm not done."


Neji's Byakugan reveals that chakra has been seeping out. Impossible how can this be?!

The crowd watched in disbelief, Y/n watched with a huge smile on her face. He did it, he actually pulled it off.

"It's the nine-tails no doubt...that chakra," The Third watched carefully.


After all his chakra was closed off, He manage to access the Nine-tailed Fox chakra. Neji and him face off again, but this time Naruto was able to move much faster to strike harder and dodge quicker to avoid Neji's attacks.

They both pair then clash, creating a massive explosion in the arena. As the dust settles, two holes are seen in the ground; Neji crawls up out of the first one.

"Where Naruto go?" The crowd whispered, eagerly waiting.

Neji walks to the second hole and mocks Naruto, who is lying there seemingly unconscious. However, that Naruto turns out to be a shadow clone and the real Naruto been dugging a hole underground, he then comes up striking Neji with an uppercut from below, hitting Neji right in the jaw. The attack leaves Neji unable to move.

"WAY TO GO NARUTO-to soon?" Y/n nervously laughs, as everyone stared at her before looking back down

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"WAY TO GO NARUTO-to soon?" Y/n nervously laughs, as everyone stared at her before looking back down.

"Seems like you're really good at that shadow clone jutsu...I was careless," Neji says.

"I failed the graduation exam three times...guess you can say it's luck. The ninjutsu tests that appeared on graduation exam were always...infallibly something I sucked at."

He walked over closer to Neji who was laid out on the ground. "Don't be going on and on about destiny and fate and what can't change...because unlike me, your not a failure."

Hayate couldn't help but smile at how team player Naruto was, "Winner of this match is Naruto Uzamaki."

The crowd cheered and roared, and the sun finally came from being hidden behind the cloud. The bird watching from afar almost seemed to be satisfied at what it just saw as it flown away to the bright light in the sky that lit up stadium.


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