035- "The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed"

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In need of a second scroll, a recently awakened Naruto contemplated forging a new scroll, although he would first need to read the original one that they already had.

"This is a crazy idea. We could get in serious trouble if they found out we were forging," Y/n worried.

"Don't open that scroll!" Kabuto runs towards them by the river.

"And why not," Naruto eyed him.

"Those who read the scroll were rendered unconscious until the exam's end; and that a rival team had tried to open their scroll and had suffered this fate," he explained.

"I knew it was some kind of catch," Sakura says.

"Well what do we do know," Naruto groaned.

"Head to the tower?," Y/n suggested.

"As a matter of fact I'm heading that way now, I'll just come along," He says.

"What about your teammates?," Sakura asked.

"What about them," he responds.

Kabuto, separated from his teammates, accompanied Team 7 to the tower at the centre of the forest. Along the way, the group encountered a disorienting genjutsu set by the teammates of the Ame genin that Sasuke had earlier defeated. By the time they realised that they were not getting any closer to the centre of the forest, it was too late, as they were attacked by a number of clones.


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