Chapter 30

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Maxcine's P.O.V

Lydia was gone; her mother took her and you could tell this affected some people. Most could care less what happened to her and others wanted to give her a chance. I could tell this was affecting Daryl because he had so much in common with her and I think that is what got to him the most. When Michonne started speaking I was grateful she pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Who else knows about this?" asked Michonne.

"Just Eugene and Rosita. We would've told you if we found someone out there, but we didn't" said Gabriel.

"Then who knows. Who else was listening" asked Michonne.

"We were being careless with it" said Gabriel.

The way Gabriel said that took Michonne back, and she was surprised with his tone of voice. To be honest I was too. I never expect Gabriel of all people to get this worked up.

"Rosita and Eugene went to set up this relay and almost died because of it. Negan got out while you were distracted because of it. I can't do my job if the council is keeping things from me" said Michonne.

"We gave you the power to veto the council based on security concerns but not everything is a security concern. So our votes don't matter anymore unless you agree with them" argued Gabriel.

What Gabriel was saying threw me off because he was acting so defensive. I honestly don't get what the big deal is. The point that matters the most is to keep our community safe. I hope this council was not a bad idea if making decisions are going to be this difficult for more than one person to make.

"Putting ourselves out there when we don't have to is dangerous" I stepped up and saud trying to back Michonne up.

"So cutting us off from the rest of the world. Who are we supposed to turn to when we need help? We can't be so worried about finding enimies that we lose our friends" said Gabriel.

"We did lose a friend" spoke up Aron.

When he spoke everyone fell silent. Just thinking about all the people we lost made me feel sick. Jesus was the most recent. He took over for my sister running Hilltop when she left. He was a great leader and friend plus he had your back at all times outside of these walls. It was just so unreal to lose him too.

"Look, we all set out with the best intentions, but that does not change what happens. There is a new enemy out there and they're exactly what Michonne was afraid we'd find. I don't regret the time I spent out there with Jesus. I don't and what happened? Maybe that would have happened anyway, and now we know what is out there and we can't pretend otherwise. We put Michonne in charge of security for a reason. Her judgment has saved us time and time again" said Aron.

I agreed with what Aron was saying. Aron and Michonne always had a good relationship. He was also good at reading people, so I don't think Michonne has any bad intentions if Aron was backing her up. At the end of the day there are families here. We have to keep them safe. It is our job and responsibility.

"Yes, but at what cost?" said Siddiq, making me focus back on why we are here.

Siddiq was on the other side of the argument with Gabriel. He wanted to make sense of some of this just as much as I did.

"We saw Carol when we were at Hilltop, and she told me that she tried asking Michonne for help with the fair again and she said you turned her down" continued Siddiq.

This news got the council fired up and talking.

"You spoke on behalf of Alexandrea" Gabriel asked.

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