Chapter 12

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Third Person P.O.V

Rick and Michonne were just finishing up packing. They had to leave Alexandria. It was not a safe place for them anymore.  As the two of them were putting their bags in the car, Michonne looked at a building. It was something that reminded her of Carl.

"He sat on the roof" she said.

Her and Rick had to hurry as they tried to put out the fire. It did not work.

"Michonne" Rick yelled a couple of times.

Then they got in the car and drove off leaving behind what they thought was their home.

"What do you think he ment? Did he want us to stop the fighting with the saviors and  just surrender to Negan" asked Rick.

He was trying to figure out what Carl was trying to tell him.

"We can pull over. We can read what he wrote" said Michonne.

"Not yet, not me. I am not ready" said Rick cutting her off.

Michonne sat there looking at the papers. She seen something that did not look right.

"Rick. Carl, he wrote a letter to Negan" said Michonne.

Rick did not know how to think or feel about this. He just had to do one thing.

"I have to talk to Jadus. They have weapons, people. We can't just give that up"" said Rick.

"Why now" asked Michonne.

Rick started to explain to Michonne why this is so important. Rick still wants them on his side.

As the two of them approached the land of Jadus and her people, they  are crowded by a bunch of walkers. They had to fight their way out of that.

Maxine's P.O.V

I woke up and did not see anyone. My head was pounding. I look and I don't see my baby or the doctor. I start to freak out. Where is my child. I know I am still in the kingdom. I walk around for a bit. I find a gun on the ground and it has a few bullets in it.

"Hello" I say kinda loud.

I did not want to attract too much attention to me. I walk around the corner to see and kid from the kingdom stab a savior with a stick like Morgan's. My eye's go big. I was so shocked by this.

"Maxine" Carol yelled.

Everyone was talking. I was not listening. I just could not get my mind off of what I seen him just do. Carol held no to me. I just stood there. I did not know how long I have been out, One person came to mind. Carl. I need to see him.

"Carol do you know how Carl is" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and went back to trying to get something through to Morgan. I had to get to him, But it was probably a good idea to stay with them for a while until I know what is going on. Two things to do. Get back and check Carl, and find my baby where ever he or she is.

Trying to survive sequal to Farmers Daughter (A Daryl Dixion Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now