Chapter 20

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Maxcine's P.O.V

It has been a while since everything has gone down. It has almost been two years. We are growing food. Building up our community the way it should be. I am so glad that the war is over. Negan is captured and being held in his cell. The saviors are very happy that he is not in power anymore. They thank Rick all the time. The hilltop is doing the most. This is were Colleen and I stay. We are living with Maggie and baby Hershel. Colleen is almost two. She is up walking and trying to talk. She is a gift. Daryl and I are doing good. We have not been as close. I think it is all the work we have been doing for these communities. We have not had that much time to spend with each other.I think it will get better in time. Like they say only time will tell.

We are going on a run today into town. This is one of my first runs in a long time. Daryl does not like me going. He wants me to stay at home with Colleen. I think I should go. Rick asked me on this run personally. He knew I would be a good addition to the group. 

We walked through this fancy building. It looks like a building that was being used to store important things. It was kinda spooky going into it.

"You all have your lists. Circle back here when you are done. Be safe" said Rick. 

I nodded and started to walk. Before I could even get one foot off the ground I was pulled back.

"Why did you come" asked Daryl.

"I am more than ready to come on runs. I am fine" I said.

I walked away after that. I was not letting him ruin my mood. I was going to enjoy getting out of the community for a bit. In a way it was kinda stress relieving.

We all walked further into the place. It was a nice place until you walk in and see the walker under you because the floor is made of glass. That made me a little on edge. I was good tho. I can do this. Good thing we all moved because right after a bunch of stuff came crashing down and a walker with a spear through him fell. Daryl killed it with one of his arrows. As we got deeper into this place we found more things that were in there that might come in handy. But there were spider webs everywhere. Out of no where Sedek got pulled under by a walker. This walker looked so freaky. It had a bunch of spiders coming from his head. I had to look away. I don't do spiders. They  freaked me out before the would turned into shit and they still freak me out. 

"Hey are you ok" asked Rick.

"Yeah just spiders. I don't like spiders" he said.

I nodded. I don't like them either. 

We walked through more. There were more walkers to kill. Gabriel and Ann were talking about the walker stuck to the evolution of man display. It was a funny thing to look at because it looked like the next stage, for us. It is the rotting flesh from the walkers. It is the devolution of man. Then I hear Daryl talking to one of the new girls. He opened up a little bit about Merle. I really did not know how to take that. Was he being friendly, or was he opening up to her? He really does not open up to me anymore. It makes me think. I don't want to be the jealous type but that is how  I am feeling. I just shrugged it off. This topic is for another day when I can sit down and talk to him about how I am feeling. I just keep walking and move on. We go into this room with a bunch of seeds in it. These will be good to use. 

"You were right Ann" said Rick.

"How did you know we would find seeds here" I asked.

Brought my Class when I was teaching" she said. 

I nodded. She went on to explain why they are important. I kinda zoned out. My mind was not clear. I really don't know why. I was kinda brought back to when I herd that the sanctuary was getting these seeds. I really did not know that coming on this run. I was not expecting to hear that out of Ricks mouth. It should be our community that gets most of it. I understand that they need it to. They could not live without Negan stealing stuff from every group he knew about. I guess there is just no over thinking this. 

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